
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:10:32
小明看书若干日,若每日看书32页,尚余31页,若每日读36页,则还可以多读三页.本书共有多少页?方程 1.若a,b,c >0且a²+2ab+2ac+4bc=12,则a+b+c的最小值是?2.过原点向曲线y=x³+2x²+a可作三条切线,则实数a的取值范围是多少? 1.用数学归纳法证明:(a1+a2+a3+.+an)^2=a1^2+a2^2+.+an^2+2(a1*a2+a1*a3+.+an-1*an)2.已知数列{an}满足a1=0.5,a1+a2+a3+.+an=Sn=n^2*an(n属于N*),试用数学归纳法证明an=1/(n(n+1)) 甲数是24,乙数是20,甲是乙的多少倍?乙是甲的几分之几? 1.求过x-2y+1=0和2x-y-1=0的交点且与A(1,4)和B(2,3)距离相等的直线方程.2.已知L1:mx-y+1=0 与 L2:根号3乘以x+y-2=0的夹角为60度,求m. 1.一条斜率为2的直线逆时针旋转45度得到的直线的斜率为多少?2.a=b=0的否定形式是? 高二简单数学题.在线等知椭圆C:x^2/4+y^2=1,斜率为1的直线交椭圆C于A,B,O为坐标原点,求三角形AOB的面积最大值,及此时直线的方程 已知圆方程X2+Y2=25求过点A(4,-3)的切线方程 小明读书若干日 若每日看32 页 余31页 若每天看36页 则最后一日需看39 页 求书的页数 英语翻译Adventure is just a bay away;Escape is just a bay away;Serenity is just a bay away;Inspiration is just a bay away;Contentment is just a bay away.Fidalgo Bay coffee is just a bay away.如果翻译的好,可以追加积分. 英语翻译The opening bank will also add that Telex is the operative instrument and no future confirmation is required. 泰坦尼克号 你跳我就跳用英语怎么说如题 英语翻译 他们守着什么,又望着什么 《泰坦尼克》中有一句 如果你跳,我跟着你跳.用英语怎么说? "回头望" 英文翻译 英语翻译请帮忙:站得高才能望得远. Good evening.Today it is warm and sunny in most parts of the country.But the fine weather isn’tgoing to last.If we look at tomorrow’s weather map,we see that it’s going to become very windy and rather cold.I’m afraid you’ll have to put on y Today the weather is good, is sunny语法上有错误吗? the weather is f------ good today 一元钱可以买一瓶汽水,两个空瓶可以换一瓶汽水,如果给你20元钱,你最多可以喝到多少瓶汽水呢? 一元钱可以买一瓶汽水,两个空瓶也可以换一瓶汽水,20 元最多可换多少瓶? 泰坦尼克号台词我要泰坦尼克号的所有台词,不要部分的.要全部的.有个人发给我了,请那位把邮箱发到回答里, 《泰坦尼克号》某台词Nobody ever called the recovery of the artifacts from King Tut's tomb翻译曰:“这是见仁见智的”和字面意思差好多. It's Sunny today!对Sunny提问____ ____ is it today It's very cold today.But it's ----than it was yesterday A less cold B less colder Cnot less colderD not less cold It's ___ colder today than it was yesterdayA a littleB veryC tooD more It is sunny and hot today.(对画线部分提问) 画线部分是 suIt is sunny and hot today.(对画线部分提问) 画线部分是 sunny and hot It is sunny and hot today 的问句是什么? it's sunny and hot in summer.画线部分提问 ——————— It's much __(wet) today than yesterday It's much______today than yesterday . A hot B hottest C the hottest Dhotter lt is much____today than yesterday.(hot)