
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 09:14:20
I don't like small 蜗牛有细菌吗?我养了几只蜗牛,同学说那东西有细菌.蜗牛真的有细菌吗? 蜗牛的寿命通常是多久… 蚊子卵可见么蚊子卵、幼虫一般多大尺寸?可以用肉眼看见么? 蚊子的卵叫什么? 吃了蚊子的卵怎么办? Mike's father -- as an engineer for about ten years.A.worked B.works C.will work D.has worked为什么? go on an exciting outing怎么翻译? He has to ear lost of money_____he can buy his children nice food and clothesA such that B that C in order to D so that 我手中的3根线插哪儿 “结局悲余手中线”是什么意思“结局悲余手中线”这句话是什么意思. 小虫英文名叫什么? pen 是什么意思 看手相看哪个手啊! 请问:男性看手相以哪只手为准? 手的三条线分别是什么 1.All right.But do you know the way to her home?2.\x05Good .Let’s call her first .3.\x05OK.Shall we get her some apples and flowers .4.\x05Excuse me .5.\x05Where’s Miss Gao Is she at school today 6.\x05Sorry ,I don’t know .But I have hertelepho 我的手掌心有两条线, 胜利的pose手心向里代表什么意思? 这幅图大概是什么呀 一只蜗牛每小时最多能爬12又2分之1米.照这样计算,蜗牛5分之3小时,可爬性多少米? 对引号部分提问 I'll take it."it" He has hamburgers for supper "supper" He has( hamburgers or sandwiches for supper).(对扩号部分提问)..急..... He has hamburgers and carrots for supper.(对画线部分提问) hamburgers and carrots是画线部分 I came to see you this morning but you were ( ) Aat home BinCoutDout of 一只蜗牛在9米深的井底,他每小时上爬1米后,又下滑0.5米,问这只蜗牛要爬多少小时到地面 一只蜗牛0.5小时爬了2.5米,他平均每小时可以爬5米,它爬一米平均用多少小时? 一只蜗牛爬树,昼升9dm,夜降5dm,第8天到达树顶,则这棵树多高? 宇宙有多大?宇宙是一个星体吗?我们人类将来可以发展到宇宙外面吗? he bas dinner (at 6:30 )in the evening对括号部分提问 He has dinner at 6:30(对划线部分提问) 使弈秋诲二人弈 中的弈是下棋还是围棋