
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:19:06
he reads english and chinese he has breakfast at seven的意思 you guess f翻译? 海阔凭鱼跃 天高任鸟飞 拜托大家用这句话帮我写一篇文章呗 急用 我打心底里感谢你 五六百字就行 who watched the cartoon last night 中文 Who's the ____ of the cartoon?A:Who's the ____ of the cartoon?B:Japanese cartoonist Fujiko Efu Fujio.A.writer B.painter Yao Ming is popular around the worldYao Ming is popular ___ ___ the world(同意句) also的同义短语 海阔任鱼跃,天高任鸟飞.后面还有吗?我曾经看到一句是这样写的有这一句吗? He watched the live football match on TV with the living gold fish swimming in the box.请翻译上面句子.单选题中的.考点是live和living的区别. 为什么European前用a,exciting前用an?发音不是相同的么? What cause global warming,can you list some factors?问答题 can you list some effective ways to find a job? ①jim did ______(bad)of the two boys ②_____(france) wine is well known all over the world③ ——(like) football,basketball is played with 5 members on each side 把Tomorrow is Wednesday变成一般疑问句 请帮忙翻译以下日本的一个地址:3-40-1Minami-Otsuka,Toshima-ku,Tokyo 170-0005Japan 读书报告 a tale of two cities求一份a tale of two cities的读书报告,不要复制一大篇的1.Genre:2.Title:3.Author:4.Summary of the book(about 30 words)5.What i like most about this book:6.What i dislike most about this book:7.P I watched a ________(精彩的) cartoon on Saturday. A TALE OF TWO CITIESIT WAS the best of times,it was the worst of times,it was the age of wisdom,it was the age of foolishness,it was the epoch of belief,it was the epoch of incredulity,it was the season of Light,it was the season of Darkness,it was t A TALE OF TWO CITIES双城记的英文情节介绍!急用不要太难得,也不用很长的,要情节介绍...我只是个高中生 tale of two 意思,是美国人写的吗 有关的灯的想象作文400字~600字 语句通顺,词语丰富,表达清楚(五年级)答得好的话加悬赏哦!机不可失失不再来! 关于“灯”的作文思路 which boys are there? there are old computers改为单数 求歌名:欧美5男子乐队组合 歌词高潮是in your heart~in your heart~in your heart~MV里是在放电影的,后来电影里的男主走了出来,带走了正在看电影的女子回到了电影里. 有关灯的文章 She does her homework in the afternoon.同义句 下面的英语应该怎样填 He _______ a cartoon on Sunday.(watch).是用一般现在时还是用一般过去时? I__(watch) a cartoon on Monday.这个到底用一般现在时还是过去时,还是都可以,请说一下理由. 谁能给我解释一下《迷失》的剧情虽然1-4季我都看了,第五季也在看,但从第三季开始就越看越迷了,越看越搞不懂剧情了有明白人给我解释一下吗多谢了 Is this the money_____you lost?空格中填什么或者不填 请详细说明理由.好的+分 如何优化教学过程