
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:15:24
Love is born of beauty in the distance什么意思 what do you think of your major in china?留美签证时这句话怎么回答?同上 What is your specialty是什么意思啊,在签证的时候问的问题啊 i love three things:the sun ,the moon and you ; I love three things!The day the moon and you,The sun for day,The moon for night And you forever翻译成中文该怎么念! 英语翻译I love three things ,the sun,the moon and you.The sun for the day; the moon for the night; and you forver怎么翻译 急求4篇作文:我是()迷、为()鼓掌、美、难忘的早晨.一律400字. 作文 帮帮忙吧whose books are these?They are not_,but_.(1)whose books are these?They are not_,but_.A.mine/them B.mine/theirs C.your/ours D.his/them(2)_of them know the city very wellA.No one B.None C.Much D.A lot(3)The old man_the bus and_to the park.A whose is this book Whose are these books 为什么这句对whose is this book 而这句Whose are these books 就不对呢? 英语翻译我喜欢英语因为英语非常有趣我认为英语很重要因为它是国际语言我认为英语有点难因为我记不住单词我想学英语因为英语是我的最爱 It often rains in spring.近义句.两句 英文名 卡尔 怎么写? 卡尔·佛里特立奇·奔驰是怎样发明汽车的 卡尔是姓还是名?..在英文名里面 钓鱼岛属于中国英文怎么写?Rt 中国的钓鱼岛!英语怎么说 钓鱼岛是中国的!英语怎么说 Whose books are these?They belong to _____(we)_____(thank) for ____(come) to see meThese aren't _____(she) socks._____(she) are white. -whose are these new books.are these[ ][you]books,millie.-no,[ ][they]aren't.用合适的代词填空 ___books are these?They are Mr Green's A.What B.Who's C.Whose -Who are these white birds?-They are Mr Green's.这句话哪里错了 请问一下whose pens are these回答除了they are her pens是否还能回答成these pens are her或these are her pens? 叫智洋起个什么英文名好?由于需要,得起一个正式的英文名,这个名起了之后就不再改了,所以对我很重要.起一个庄重大方的男名,最好是要音译的,但意译的也可以, ”智欢”用个”智”字改英文名应该点改啊?想用J开头的~想改好耐拉,但一直未稳到合适的,希望多D人帮手想想啊.谢谢.我系广州人,所以希望用广州话的近似音来改~我系GZ的女生,本来想 谁知道全智闲的英文名是什么? 智欢如何改英文名?帮帮手啊,都五知点改好 智喜同英文名 最好是谐音 女生 一个集装箱68立方米.运费23万.一箱的运费怎么算啊.箱子体积52cm 30cm 40cm集装箱只能装同一种箱 一只集装箱长12米,宽3米,4米.如果集装箱里装有小麦高度2米,箱里有小麦多少立方米? 一个圆柱的侧面积是37.68平方米,高是3米,它的表面积是()平方米,体积是()立方米 请求中文翻译成英语:知道了,我会马上告诉工程部,让他们来维修.