
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:22:25
我只会一些最简单的日常英语会话,而且说得不太好,请问如何才能快速提高我的口语能力?需要死背那些词汇和常用句子吗? 英语翻译I'm afraid that escapes me for the moment.He is up to his old games again. 我要出国了.帮我想个英文名字吧.我叫蔡鑫,想起个跟中文名音似的英文名.麻烦大家帮忙我找了好久.最后就觉得SING比较像.但是我又不想用这个做我的英文名字.希望各位帮我想一个.注:附上 可以用自己名字的韦氏拼音做英文名么? 英语翻译用英文翻译饺子的做法 help please!英语句子翻译The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she arrives.is supposed to 应该理解为什么....为什么用被动结构呢?谢谢大家了..... 缴费英语怎么说 给孩子起英文名混点拼音可以吗? 饺子用英文怎么表达? 谁知道饺子的英文怎么拼? 经费的英语怎么说 预算表用英语怎么说 "骆金勇"的英文名怎么拼 不是拼音,要英语 邹翔 英文怎么拼?不是拼音的那种,是英文配法,还有英文名. Have you ever been to Disneyland?课文翻译Most of us have probaby heard of mickey Mouse ,Donald Duck, and Many other famous Disney characters. pernaps we have even seen then in movies. But have you 英语翻译踢足球不仅让我们长得强壮,而且还能培养我们的团队精神Not only does playing football make us strong ,but also gives us team spirit你认为谁拿了你的英语字典这句话应该翻译成Who do you think has taken 英语翻译这个周末我要去剪头发.(have)I will have hair on the week end据说他是在英国出生的.(It is said that )It is said that he is birth in English 就是她所说的话让我感到很难过.(强调句型).It was very sad that sh 按小时计费 用英语怎么说?thx. 收费项目英语怎么说? from London 用英语怎么翻译 英语翻译上星期天,Linda很早就起床了,上午她做完了家庭作业,中午陪奶奶吃饭,下午和朋友一起去游泳,晚上看了一会电视就上床睡觉了,因为第二天有数学考试. Linda有一套钥匙 翻译成英语 初三英语阅读理解linda and david have tralled by air from london to sydney 帮我找一下用at发音,例如cat,fat,ate里面最好有at,愈多愈好, cat cake bag hand 中间u 那个读音不同 1.what plant cat can中的a发音不同的是2.say may lay Monday中的ay发音不同的是3.drop some come brother中的o发音不同的是4.must put study cut中的u发音不同的是5.look book soon cook中的oo发音不同的是 van cat ask 那个发音不一样 大家帮我看看这个句子翻译的对不对with tears on her face , (她看着她受伤的儿子被送进了手术室),答案是 watched her injured son sent into operation room我感觉那个son 和 sent 之间是不 翻译I don't think you've heard of him before,have you? have you tasted any such food before.又或者这句英语有语病. 英文翻译 Have you ever heard a Chinese person try to say regularly? 带领某人参观某地的英语怎么说?翻译成英语