
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:33:41
ask a question of grammar?the one which/that / who begins to talk is nervous.which \that and who which is correct?and why? The teacher a ( ) me a question just mow.A.ask B.asked C.asking D.asks单项选择 avril的i will be有句词唱:still you never said goodbye and now i know how far you`d go.请大家帮忙分析一下这句词、从句子结构、短语、时态上.要让人信服.still在这里面是什么用法?主要分析句式 envelope中文是什么意思? airmail envelope envelope的意思 求一篇六级作文Advantages and potential problems of big or small families. 求一篇大学六级水平的作文时间有点紧周五晚上要交 所以麻烦大家帮忙了题目是:it is necessary for chinese to learn English.谢谢各位了!至今还没有可以用的答案 网上抄的一眼能看出来希望会写的 请问envelope是什么意思啊拜托各位大神 maya中envelope是什么意思 考研英语作文用模板 会评为抄袭吗 急!求一个北京外国语大学附近的英语语音班,晚上上课的!RT,一定要是晚上上课,如果实在没有语音班口语班也可以.不要离北外太远的.感激不尽 有没有在线教英语的 英语发音 There ___(be) many people at tomorrow's party.2.Our school is a good place _____(study).3.I hope world will be ____(good) tomorrow. 建党90周年的诗文 一行不超过10个字,算标点符号,7,8行 的》 建党九十年诗歌 建党90周年诗歌要儿童的!11 世界上除了金字塔,埃菲尔铁塔,万里长城以外的另一个惊奇是什么? 自由女神像 埃菲尔铁塔 设计者是不是一个人如上 i can be yoi can be your...ur...歌名 是个女孩唱的,节奏很轻快...有好几个连续的i can be your... 有首歌里面有很多i could be your就是一开始就有i could be your xxxxx连续很多个这种句子(女的唱的) 如何让地瓜粉沉淀地瓜碾碎后地瓜粉不沉淀 有没有什么办法让他沉淀下去已经用筛子筛过了. 如何解决Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand?Bad RequestYour browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Error code: 64 Parser Error: [Cookie: rush=0; __utma=97936925.1953276405.1315418289.1315418328 Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this serverBad RequestYour browser sent a request that this server could not understand.Size of a request header field exceeds server limit. I can help you with your chinese.这句话错哪里?如何改? 红薯粉是怎样制做的 high performance computing是什么意思 You know I want to visit all the places of i___ in BeiJing. I know we may never meet,but you never know...I want to visit China before going back to America.这句话里的never meet 是永远不会见面还是永不满足希望能帮我翻译一下 A visit to the World Expo2010 60字作文今晚就要 旅游英语900句 走遍世界都不惧怎么样