
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:19:57
飘 乱世佳人 gone with the wind我想买一本中文对照的,请用过的朋友推荐一个觉得好的版本,标明出版社,编者~ the girl ___ (have)a new computer.she is very happy.适当形式填空we ----(drink)some tea yesterdayshe likes ----(ride)bikes very muchi -----(play)the piano every daytom and peter ----(be)going to the foresti am ----(make)a kite now gone with the wind中文翻译是飘还是魂断蓝桥? 请问《飘》《乱世佳人》《gone with the wind》是同一本名著吗? 4和9的公倍数有哪些 英语翻译Jim slumped on the couch.Mother's Day was coming up,and he didn't have a present.'How can I buy a present without any money?'he thought.Jimpicked up the newspaper that was lying on the couch.He noticed a large ad.on the front page.The loc 英语翻译Tomorrow is Thursday.We have math,science and art. 英语翻译Is only left over meAt least you have me 英语翻译It is that time of year again.Christmas is here,or is it?we are still more than one month away from Christmas Day,which is on December 25 each year.But that does not stop people across the world preparing for the celebration.Christmas is 英语翻译,好人一生平安. 谁有《thank you for everything》的歌词?(要中文翻译和发音) I have passed the 9-rank exam for the piano这句话对不对 英语翻译韩剧的主题曲求中文翻译的歌词. I have passed the 9-rank exam about the piano这句话对不对 英语翻译I wanna thank you very muchthank you for lending me aloneNow I'm levitatingCos I feel like I've been waitingFor a lifetimeFor your touch Now I'm 6 feet off the groundAnd I may never come back down,yeahCos I still feel your kissIt's on my I have passed the 9-rank exam about the piano这句话对不地 ? I have passed the exam问号前是横线,该填什么 4和7的公倍数有. 请帮忙翻译一下下面这段文字世有透光鉴,鉴背有铭文,凡二十字,字极古,莫能读.以鉴承日光,则背文及二十字,皆透在屋壁上,了了分明.人有原其理,以谓铸时薄处先冷,唯背文上差厚,后冷而铜缩 4和7的公倍数有几个.(写出5个). 英语翻译General Jacobson pointed out that all of those attacks had missed their aim to some degree:none killed Americans or other foreign allies who were targeted.Most victims were Afghan civilians and police officers.At the British Council,no on 30以内4和7的公倍数. 英语翻译孙腾,字龙雀,咸阳石安人也.祖通,仕沮渠氏为中书舍人,沮渠灭,入魏,因居北边.及腾贵,魏朝赠通使持节、侍中、都督雍华岐幽四州诸军事、骠骑大将军、司徒公、尚书左仆射、雍州刺 单句改错 1.They each has an English-Chinese dictionary.2.Many a student have passed the exam.答出解 英语翻译论沈从文笔下的“湘西世界” 摘要:沈从文对“人与自然契合”的湘西世界的自然美、风物美、和人性美进行了热情洋溢的歌颂,极力追求一种古朴宁静的乡村文化景观.他在作品中 Many a student have failed in the exam(改错),并翻译 four__(five)of the students in our class have passed the exam (英语)谁教教我写话题作文?内容如下说某人在炒菜的时候 某某地方着火了 他跑去救火…… 初中英语话题作文怎么写? Most of the students have passed the exam s Wearing the soft shirt can make me cHave you r to you consin`s letter ______,all the students in our class have passed the examA)it is expected all B)we all expect C)it is expected that D)as is expected 请说明选择的理由,并翻译全句 2)he's somewhere______ A)in 50 years old B)in his fifties C)in fifty years D A lot of girls have tried,but ____have passed the examA a fewB few