
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:53:52
f(x)={{1+x} —00 什么是和平号空间站 Traffic was __________ by the heavy fog for two hours.stopped from relieved from held up covered with 选哪个 I was in the winter of 1951___a heavy fog moved into London.A.that B.then C.when D.不填 及每个选项的解释, ·句子转换The footall match was put off as a result of the heavy fogThe heavy fog ____ ____ the putting off of the football match My friend Mike was late for school because the fog was heavy .(保持句意不变)My friend Mike was late for school()()the heavy fog. 1.Millie goes swimming by bus twice a week.对(Millie)提问 1.Millie goes swimming by bus twice a week.(对by bus 提问) 求这首诗朗诵的配乐祖国啊,我为你自豪 当巍峨的华表,让挺拔的身躯披上曙光,当雄伟的天安门,让风云迎来东升的太阳.历史的耳畔,传来了礼炮的隆隆回响,那排山倒海般的回响,是中国沧桑巨 把10张卡片放入布袋中,随意摸一张,要使摸出数字3的可能性最大,数字7可能性最小,卡片上可以是什么数字? 把分别写有1~10的十张数学卡片打乱顺序后反扣在桌子上,从中任意一张.摸 到4的可能性是多少?摸到把分别写有1~10的十张数学卡片打乱顺序后反扣在桌子上,从中任意一张.摸到4的可能性是 把(1)(6)(7)(2)(5)这五张卡片,任意摸两张,两数之和为7的可能性是多少 最好用分数表示 把下面的9张卡片放入不透明布袋里,随意摸一张,要使摸出的数是“6”的可能性大,占 5五分之一,摸出的数是“7”的可能性最小,占九分之一,摸出的数是“8”的可能性占九分之三.请你按要求在 They ofent ( ) speaking English in the moning是p字为首字母的 He often p____speaking English. - Do you know the kid with _______ Bob is talking over there?- Yes,it's my cousin.A.who B.that C.不填 D.whom _______you know Bob Yes,he is my friendly.理由 Do you know Peter?Yes,he is my cousin.中没有行为动词,为什么还用Do呢?Are you like your father?Yes I don't look like my mother.为什么还用Are和Don't呢? y=x+3的根号分之2中,自变量x的取值范围是多少 y=x^2-6x+10在区间(2,4)是A递减函数 B递增函数 C先递增再递减 D先递减再递增具体怎样做 问问大家爱国题材诗歌朗诵配乐 求背景音乐晓得的人说下哈, 请问下大家爱国题材诗歌朗诵配乐 求背景音乐晓得的人说下哈,本人先在此感谢大家了6b 请问下有谁知道青春励志诗歌朗诵稿了解的告诉下哟,打心底感谢了7p 问下爱国诗句急、急啊, they begin their lessons () 8:00 a.m every day.my mother often wakes me () early in the morning. They() the bus,if they ()up early tomorrow morningA.catch,get.B.will catch,will get.C.catch,will get.D.will catch,get It is s____.The trees t_____ green.I often go j____ in the street in the early morning ,in ningjingspring is very short ,so summer is c_____soon.it will be very h____ .and it doesn't o___rain .the days get l____and the nights get s____.i l___going fi 高二数学不等式,在线=,应该很简单比较(x+1)(x²+½+1)与(x+½)(x²+x+1)的大小.(步骤详细,麻烦了) 3:设X≥1,比较X²与X²-X+1的大小. 1:比较(2a+1)(a-3)与(a-6)(2a+7)+45 的大小. 0.6x+3×2.5=10.5 2.4(10-x)-2.5=3.6x