
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:02:42
tiamo 什么意思、? 计算:(a-b+c¹)(-a+b-c¹) Tiamo什么意思 这是炎亚纶的一首歌的名字,我想知道理是什么意思. 哪国的语言? (a-b)³n(a-b)m-¹(b-a)怎么解 TiAmo的意思 已知tan2α=¾﹙π/2<α<π﹚,求[2cos的平方α/2+sinα-1]/[√2cos﹙α+π/4﹚] 谁知道文辑是啥意思? 谁知道文爱是什么意思? 英语翻译下面有一段文字希望好心人能帮忙翻译成英语像极了每一个开始和结束九月带著一点点预兆的喜悦来临我知道你开始想象那一片纯净的天空只是这里的天气却总是阴雨现在的你是看 英语翻译The ideal teacher may be young or old,tall or short,fat or thin.He should know his subject,but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn.His personality is as important as his scholarship奖学金.The ideal teacher must be enthusiast 英语翻译The new steam technologies of the Industrial Revolution would never have had the effect that they did if they had not operated within the context of a stable geopolitical system within which the Royal Navy guaranteed the freedom of the se 英语翻译Give me one reason to stay here - and I'll turn right back around Give me one reason to stay here - and I'll turn right back around Because I don't want leave you lonely But you got to make me change my mind Baby I got your number and I k 英语翻译These so-called modern identities are conveyed by theinnovations or adaptations of Chinese writing systems.However,in theseemingly democratic Internet community,there exists the hierarchy of classand status as well.The degree of diversity 有没有经典的骂人词语宝典 谁有高一必修一的英语语法点 全一点 急求高一人教版必修一的所有英语语法! 英语翻译我传到百度空间里了,由于是手机照的,所以不怎么清晰,请大侠帮帮忙,能把字打出来也行,打出来在翻译我会给200分,我打不出俄语 高一必修一英语语法(人教版)1、I ( )regard hin as my friend because he has lied to me many times.A、no longer B、not longer C、no more D、not more为什么C不对.2、There is very little room in the lab because it has ( ) 英语翻译RTRT~ 求俄罗斯文翻译为中文 адёйжщюыэЛЙЩЯ 我要做摘抄, 英语翻译1.Please kindly confirm if the setting need to be changed to factory for printing or not?If you need to print the data by your factory,we will need to cancel the order in AD VN,and change the setting,so that you could re-order your PO dat 为什么说耶稣是救世主? 1.计算下面各题,能简算的要简算.(1)87*86分之19 (2)7分之12/9分之8+7分之5*4分之3 (3)3-2分之3*21分之10-7分之2 (5)(3分之2+4分之1/4分之3)*9分之7 2.填空.(1)甲数除以乙数的商是0.6,甲数与乙数的最简比是( 俄在文言文中有哪些解释? 图一中阴影部分的面积是多少? 你一个养鸡专业户原来有7000只鸡,其中公鸡占20%,后来又买回一批母鸡,这时公鸡占总只数的17。5%。又买回多少只母鸡? 在比例尺是1:1000000的地图上的36厘米的距离,在1:250000地图上画多长? 古诗《江雪》的意思 超简单应用题,答对有150分,决定好后再给100分,1.将一段电线均匀地绕在一个底面直径4分米的圆柱上,共绕25圈,正好绕完.这段电线大约有多长?2.儿童三轮脚踏车,前轮直径3分米,后轮直径2分米,前