
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:36:13
“面对老弱病残,不过是举手之劳而以”这句话表意有何缺陷?请于今日上午回答乘车时希望能有个座位,这无可厚非,坐着毕竟比站着要舒服。但是,也应该看到,那些年纪大的老人,(a) 帮助老弱病残,不过是举手之劳有缺陷应该为什么句子? 这是谁,什么戏如题 伊朗人跟阿拉伯人的区别是什么?从人种上区分呢? 对...产生影响...英文词组 发生的英语词组发生,这个词的英语词组 举行 发生 用英语怎么说(一个词组) ( )大笑 在括号里填词语 ()地笑 ()大笑 括号里要填叠词的相当于AA地笑 AA大笑急()里要填表示声音的词 语c群的自述和对戏什么意思 语C群中v是什么意思? 语c的群戏是什么?怎么出 居里夫人、爱迪生、爱因斯坦、诺贝尔各是哪国人 诺贝尔史上只有居里夫人两次获奖吗? We should keep ___(health)适当形式填空是healthy 么.. -Let's stay at home and watch TV.-_____.选择:A.OK B.That's all rightC.That's OK D.Right What should you do to keep health作文带议论 a.Pleease let me watch TV b.I will stay at home if合并a.Please let me watch TV b.I will stay at home if合并 please打错了 速解决 what should we do ____?A.to keep healthy B.to keep health C.keeping healthy D.keep health为什么呢 Everyone should keep a low profile 大神们帮帮忙,所给词的适当形式填空 We should keep( ) health 有谁知道罗斯福的名言及故事?英文的! 罗斯福有一句名言叫什么 如皋初级中学现在怎么样? ——it's snowing heavily outside ,let's stay at home A.Before B.For C.Though——it's snowing heavily outside ,let's stay at homeA.Before B.For C.Though D.Since 英文名片地址翻译:江苏省如皋市下原镇康园路168号 改错(划横线的,在下面) 1.Everyone should be careful of their behavior.1.Everyone should be careful of their behavior.2.Nobody know his address.3.Everyone has their duty.4.Somebody have cleaned the classroom already.5.Everybody in this cla Everyone should be careful of their behaior.这句中下面哪个是错的:A should be B careful C their D be Everyone should be careful of their behaior.如何改错 Every one should be careful of their behavior .改错 everyone should work be careful这句话对不对?如果错,错在哪? 解词:戏答的意思