
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 08:51:24
仿写:秋天的三峡秋天的三峡,有时热烈,有时平静,有时明丽,有时朦胧.真是气象万千!仿写:遥控小飞机,有时----------,有时-------------,有时--------------------,有时------------,.真是令人惊叹不已! What is the the best suitable job for a English Major? There are always problems _____ we don't know the language very wellA.whenB.howC.untilD.what 英译汉The mood is very complex,no matter how do,I always wrong. You can ____how to do it.Great _____go skating together . "If you do it,you can 就是那个"can"可以在条件从句里用么? If you persist that you can do it,you absolutely can do it!Go ahead! Tomorrow i will chat u中文 《桂林山水》的思考练习答案 桂林山水思考练习题第3个读了本课,你可能被文中描绘的桂林山水的美深深感染.可以试这吟一首诗或写几句话,表达自己的感受 谁能帮我造句子?你能领略山的风采:有的婀娜携秀,有的巍峨挺拔.你能聆听水的旋律:有的婉转低回,.您呢关心赏花的姿容:.,.,有的灿烂盛开.谁能帮我补充完整? 帮我造几个句子用身无长物 改弦更张 推波助澜 秀色可餐 各造一个句子 如果造的非常精彩追加5分 The old men s_____ himself on the sofa to watch TV every evening. I am not eating ( )drinking.中间填and的形式,但不是and。 英语翻译小生想知道Trust Me和Stay with me这两句话的意大利文说法,求翻译!嗯……这两句话应该是恋人间的,所以毫不大意的煽情些是没有问题的!可以的话请翻译的文艺些~小生在这里跪拜感谢! 英语翻译Greetings,MY NAME IS MRS.LYDIA SHARMAN,widow to late MR.RALPHAEL SHARMAN,former owner of PETROLEUM AND GAS Company,here in Kuwait.I am Sixty-eight years old,suffering from long time cancer of the breast.From all indications my condition i 名侦探柯南TV版12级最后的拼写翻译成中文到底什么意思 no no longer什么意思》怎么用? no longer 什么意思? 2.these two rivers are longer than any other ____(river)in china.我要被整蒙了!到底加不加s!并说出理由 驾驶证说什么要审核是什么意思呢 no longer is a person 用所给单词的正确形式填空 In the village,there are only nine (family)now. In the small village,there are only nine______In the small village,there are only nine_______now in the small Village,there are only nine_____(family)now用括号内单词的适当形式填空 There are 40 students in the small village改为一般疑问句 Music makes me sing and dance什么意思 under activities for the year under review 造几个句子1不入虎穴,焉得虎子2尺有所短,寸有所长3滴水之恩,当涌泉相报4世上无难事,只怕有心人5众人拾柴火焰高 I go- and-snowmen in winter.()?A.skating,make.B.skate,make.C.skating,will make 英语翻译谁有啊,我英文不好,请求翻译 brian的domino英文版翻译