
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:49:13
武王灭殷的解释 for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraoudinarily similardescription given 为什么不加be动词在中间呢 for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily simi...for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar .①前面的descriptions 已经加the了,为什么 for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similarclaim to 不是宣称做某事吗,就是只是宣称,但还没做,如ask sb to do sth,让某人做某事,就是还没做,只是让而已,但翻译是 若(4-k)的平方的立方根等于k-4,求k的值. She wishes she ______her brother how much she loved him before he went off to war.A had toldBwould tell为什么选A不选B?请详细回答. 这个句子是祈使句吗?求分析.Without secrets to keep from my parents. how many brothers __ ( have) she got 翻译I stayed out late without telling my parents where i was 用所给词的适当形式填空:I also learned ___(take care of) my self without parents around me ( )20 passengers were said to have been killed in the accidentmoresomeanyless 18.Five people were reported ________ in the accident.A.to be killed B.to18.Five people were reported ________ in the accident.A.to be killed B.to kill C.killed D.to have been killed为什么选D? 权志龙的那xx为什么禁播? The one thing I hate to do is ___to bed before I feel tired.A go B to go C went Dgone 可前面不是讲“不定式在系动词be后做表语时,如果主语部分有实义动词do,不定式就可省去to" (无敌英语精装版206页7题)为何 The one thing I hate to do is ___to bed before I feel tired.A go B to go C went Dgone 可前面不是讲“不定式在系动词be后做表语时,如果主语部分有实义动词do,不定式就可省去to" 无敌英语精装版206页7题 is的现在分词,第三人称单数和1过去式分别是什么 They____(win)the match and they felt have a bad cold. 为什么夏朝是我国第一个国家形态 Her English is ___(good)then mine. 政体与国家分析(20pt赏)●请仔细读读下列文章:某国采用「半民主式」的特殊政体,中央政府首长与省长级以上地方首长一律由皇帝指派,而民意代表及部分地方政府首长是由人民选出.该国之最 用“1.现在分词作状语 2.现在分词作定语 3.find+宾+宾补 4.benefit 5.so…that”这五个句型...用“1.现在分词作状语 2.现在分词作定语 3.find+宾+宾补 4.benefit 5.so…that”这五个句型各造一句英 We sat ( )the fire . A beside B over C under 社会主义国家的税收是一种新型税收,它区别于其他类型税收之处在于社会主义国家的税收是一种新型税收,它区别于其他类型税收之处在于A.它具有强制性、固定性、无偿性的特征.C它体现了 find的过去分词 find变现在分词为什么不双写? 英文goes用在第三人称单数,那 i t 怎么用?such asthe dog __?(go)it will ___?(go) 刘向武王克殷,召太公而问曰:"将奈其士如何?" 全文翻译 武王克殷召大公而问曰武王克殷召太公而问曰将奈其士众何太公对曰臣闻爱其人者兼屋上之乌......周公曰:“使各居其宅,田其田,无变旧新,惟仁是亲.贵族有过,在纣一人.”王曰:“善.”求全 英语翻译武王问于太公曰:“治国之道若何?”太公对曰:“治国之道,爱民而已.”曰:“爱民若何?”曰:“利之而勿害,成之勿败,生之勿杀,与之勿夺,乐之勿苦,喜之勿怒.此治国之道,使民之 变为现在分词形式 Market has ssen a significant reduction in the number of high profile releases. 咸刘商王纣.惟四月既旁生魄,越六日庚戌,武王燎于周庙.翼日辛亥,祀於天位.越五日乙卯,