
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:16:39
到底是氦气变声还是氢气?我看电视知道有气球变声那到底是氦气导致变声还是氢气导致变声?那我们市面上在买的气球里面是氦气还是氢气?对人体有害吗? If you want to answer the teacher's question, what should you do?如何回答?快点啊啊啊啊啊啊赶时间还有要中文! I want you ______(answer) the question..I want you ______(answer) the question.answer.为什么前面要加to,而不是直接用原形呢? 怎么区分是不是该填非谓语动词呢?比如:If you want to answer questions,put up your hand ,这里面put为什么是原形呢?它不是非谓语动词吗?为什么? “理在气先”是什么主义的 理直气婉是什么意思 “理在气先”这句话中“理”和“气”分别指什么? 什么叫理在气先——客观唯心主义? answer ,question ,he ,Englisn ,can ,his ,teacher's ,in ,连词成句 the teacher said if i could answer the question哪里错了? 《莫待失去再珍惜》中的‘潇洒人生’指的是什么 洞头县海霞中学足球校队有哪几个? 洞头县海霞中学 今年 国庆放假 是怎么安排的?几号到几号 洞头县海霞中学有分好坏班吗 为什么吸入氦气后能在短时间内变声? 用所给单词正确形式填空 He gave a _____(fast\quick)answer to the teacher's question用所给单词正确形式填空After a _____(fast\quick)breakfast he goes to school. The boy often gives a right answer to the teacher 's question,____just a minite.So he's usually theThe boy often gives a right answer to the teacher 's question,____just a minite.So he's usually the teacher 's pet.A.thought B.having thought C.and to If he _____to the teacher carefully,he______ the answer to the question now.A.had listened,would have knownB.listened,would knowC.listened,would have knownD.had listened,would know 九毛加一毛—— 歇后语:1.九毛加一毛——— 2.两下子加半下子—— 3.七窍通了六窍—— 4.一口吞了25个“小老鼠”—— 歇后语:九盒加一盒 歇后语:九牛加一毛-----(?) 十五人聊天-----(?) 一斤酒装十两-----(?) 一二五-----(?)帮帮! 九毛加一毛歇后语 请翻译:There are advantages for students to work while studying at school.One of them is that they can earn money.For the most part,students work to earn money for their own use.Earning their own money allows them to spend on anything as they plea 如题,《隆中对》中的“箪食壶浆”的“食”念什么?注:我们teacher说念“四”(不好意思,不会打拼音),我觉得就念“十”. There is nothing to wear to work.(保持句意基本不变) 要改成 There to wear to work 隆中对中的“箪食壶浆”的“食”应该怎么读? 生物电位频率是什么 There are f_______ students “箪食壶浆”中的“食”到底读什么?我查过字典,有的读shi ,有的读 si .如果读第二个,可解释上是名词,名词应该读第一个啊,读第二个,解释应该是动词才对啊............... “箪食壶浆”中的“食”应该读什么? 人体被220V电压击中会致命吗昨天我帮人家接机顶盒.拧下室外的入户线后准备和机顶盒的连线对接,刚对在一起忽然就感觉有一阵电流,当时的感觉是浑身发麻,身体不由自主的颤抖,大概有个3秒