
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:52:24
儿童们用英语怎么说 高中英语改错题 1.One day on his way to home,Ted saw an accident.__2.In this way first aid was offering to the girl.__3.I prefer staying at home to play with him outside.__4.I will have my computer repair tomorrow.__5.The rest of the money were 高中英语改错Today is Sunday.The sky is full of sunshine ,so does my life .At about 9:00a.m.,I go to the bookstore with my friends.There was a lot of new books.I didn’t know which one to buy ,because there books were all use to me .At last ,I On Saturday morning,I rode to a school library as usual .I was riding very slowly in the snowy street while I suddenly saw a young man in his twenty running after a woman's bicycle .I was confusing about what he wanted to do ,so I followed him .I not 单句改错,每句有一处错误1.Hope you great success in your work!2.All you can do is encouraging him ,show him understangding and offer him advice.3.In Friday afternoon some students took part in a speech activity.4.In few weeks the story was 英文翻译 不要翻译器的 英语高手请进.关于高中英语改错!1.of all the teachers l met so far,Miss wu ,my college teacher is the most unforgettable.He was very strict with us.None of the students dared to leave homework undone.2.She spent a lot of time on helping u 交笔友英文怎么拼 你妹妹想找一个笔友吗!的英语怎么拼?马上就要!快 英语翻译联想集团的绩效考核体系是将目标管理和绩效考核相结合,围绕“静态的职责+动态的目标”两条主线展开,建立起目标与职责协调一致的岗位责任考核体系.文章依据案例构建了联想集 I want ______(be) your friends.给所给单词的适当形式填空.Thank you \(≧▽≦)/~ 在那提不懂数学问题 很多东西不懂 “中国少年”的英语怎么说? 求天使的'使' 繁体字如题`!如果相似的也行`! 复仇的天使,繁体怎么写? (天使)的繁体字 怎么写 谢谢 急求英文翻译这几句话,先谢了··1.清热解毒,凉血利咽2.对多种革兰氏阳性菌、革兰氏阴性菌及流感病毒、虫媒病毒、腮腺病毒均有抑制作用3可增强免疫功能;有明显的解热效果4本品所含靛 天使 繁体字.谁给个.就天使2个字,就像这2个字也行. 一手英文个!中间唱了一句艾瑞巴蒂,突然吼起来很激情!对了的.给加100分!1 艾瑞巴蒂什么意思问下啊~ 使她高兴起来英文翻译?… 英语艾瑞吧得是什么意思? 艾维巴蒂黑喂狗是什么意思,我不要英文,要的是这个词的意思 看起来他们都很开心 翻译英语 我想让生病的孩子高兴起来————英语翻译 "旋律"的繁体字 旋律用繁体字是怎样的? "失,旋律"几个字的繁体字怎么写 爱之天使繁体转换加一个 个性签名.急 幸福旋律用繁体字怎么写 为什么0度空间会死人?