
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:40:11
一空!如图那个空 抛物线y=ax的平方+bx,当a>0,b<0,它的图象经过第几象限 已知抛物线y=ax²+bx.当a>0,b 上海教育出版社三年级暑假生活答案 一个圆锥形沙堆,底面周长是18.84米,高是0.8米,把这些沙铺在一个长5米,宽四米的长方体的沙坑里,可以铺多厚?(得数保留一位小数0 翡翠台噶新西游记噶主题曲叫咩名啊?稳左好耐啦T^T求答案(系宜家播噶果部,粤语噶) 你们说这地球有没有世界末日? 铙粤语怎么读 我系广州噶 遇到呢个字5多识读 求指教最好系比个粤语同音噶字我 我5多识粤语拼音出现左两种唔同噶读音··· 粤语损手指,烂脚趾噶损同烂噶意思损手指,是不是手指烂了.烂脚趾系咪话脚趾烂了 噶粤语什么意思 从键盘输入一个球的半径 输出球的表面积与体积 c语言编程 八年级数学名校课堂的答案求 18-20题求解 八年级名校课堂数学上册人教版单元测试一 十八和二十题求解! 八年级上数学《名校课堂》23页.24页的答案 高数微分问题,x = 1 + t^2 y = cos t d^2y / d^2x = ( ) 求微分 y=ln(1-x^2) y=e^-x +cos(3+x) y=sin2x 求函数y=ln^2(1-x)与y=cos(3-x)e^-x的微分 高数y=x/(x^2+1)^1/2的微分如题,y等于根号(x的平方加1)分之x的微分,dy=[1/(x^2+1)^(2/3)]dx dy等于{【(x的平方加1)的2分之3次方】分之1}乘以dx吃饭,等等再看。 这句话的主谓宾?中国人自古对宗教不持绝对化立场.主谓宾定壮补是什么? 我要的是答案,不要更我说自己要认真做之类的话.封面是绿色的,还有个小男孩在钓鱼. 上海教育出版社八年级暑假生活答案172666386@qq.com 谁有八年级暑假生活答案(上海教育出版社) 急求上海教育出版社的八年级暑假生活答案. 18~20题,我急用 英语翻译well-managed organisation in no danger of imminent collapse,even in the extreme and unlikely event that its sales ceased immediately. 英语翻译Such are the children of whom a second-grade teacher once said" But my children like to have questions for which there is only one answer," 英语翻译In early February,BusinessWeek.com's Innovation Channel editor,Helen Walters,blogged from TED,a prestigious annual conference where luminaries from all walks of life discuss ideas in the area of technology,entertainment,and design.这里 求隐函数x平方加y平方等于e的y次方的微分 英语翻译This is the amount of heat generated by burning one unit of gas in complete combustion. 英语翻译1、Fruit flies who wer taught to be smarter than the average fruit fly tend to live shorter lives.2.This suggests that dimmer bulbs burn longer,that there is an advantage in not being too bright.这个句子中两个THAT有什么意义.3