
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:28:43
please describe your school to us.请用英文即兴回答,这个是口语交流题. 老师说化合反应原子利用率最高.为什么啊 My cap is in my Comprehensive risk assessments practice________ perfect!(has,does,makes,lets) What does "Practice makes perfect" mean? While you are reading,you'd better not ( )every new word in a dictionary. The upload path does not appear to be valid. 英语翻译在观众的鼓励下,提示词一定要用inspire, The member name and password you entered appears to be invalid是什么二一四 i don't think he makes many mistakes.--if at allwhat is the meaning of "if at all" Mike makes so many mistakes.He is a really 什么 boy 和下面内道速度啊 只用 careful 或 commonMike makes so many mistakes really 什么 boyThey are twins,but they do not have anything in 什么那两个词的适当形式 jǔ yāng怎么写? 全球土地沙化面积?时间,数据 土地沙化是为什么 土地沙化沙漠里怎么全是沙?石头角质成碎石后成沙可以理解,那原来的泥土哪里去了?变成沙? The service is not available.Please try again later中文是? 鼓励英语 冲上云霄各人物英文名字 Did you hear her__(sing)in the next room just now? TO BE With Him Tother 和我的压岁钱有关的中有三个修辞手法和三个描写环境的句子 请给我鼓励 用英文怎么说十分钟之内啊 不然要死人的啊那Please encourage to me. if you want to know you can look up in your dictionary 请运用下面词语中两个以上的词语,至少用一种修辞手法,写一段环境描写.寒噤 悠闲 鞠躬 荡漾无存 制裁 转弯抹角 阴惨 Zhang ping is good( )children,so they like her very much A;for B;with C;at D;on 吃豌豆会胖吗? 关于黄河英雄人物事迹的短段,不要尧舜禹的, 有关黄河的历史人物故事(要禹的)急用,要短 发生在黄河身边的英雄故事,近代,古代都行,要5个,大禹的不算, be concerned in和be concerned with 有没有参加和与…有关的意思 下列关于禹的表述,正确的是 [  ] ①传说中的人物 ②发明了文字 ③主要活动在黄河流域 ④舜的儿子