
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:31:38
若函数y=(k-2)x+b在(负无穷大,正无穷大)是减函数,求K的范围 什么是计算机导论 每一个优秀的人都有一段沉默的时光 是谁说的 沉默是很好的解决方法吗?时间能证明一切吗? 沉默年华是什么意思? 长汀在哪里? 依...而定 用英语怎么说 长汀在哪? 英语翻译richly and mass colorful organization activities?应该呢? 谁能帮我用英语翻一下家居中式风格是以宫廷建筑为代表的中国古典建筑的室内装饰设计艺术风格,其特点是简朴、对称、文化性强,格调高雅,具有传统文化较高审美情趣和社会地位象征.“阁 谁能帮我翻一下英语?Hello everyone.I'm glad to see you.Now i want to know the person who called .zhao jun xi.There are so many fans supporting him.I'm so happy because he is a good people.Let us get together and go forever.汉语意思是什 谁能帮我解释下面这个图中的电机的工作原理 是个什么电机 看了半天看不懂?为什么电机正反转只有两根线?不需要零线吗? as soon as 是什么从句 as soon as引导什么从句 精彩,坚固,忧患,赶快,奉献,感激,乞求,严厉,嘹亮,沉默,勉强,示弱,激动,深刻的反义词是什么?是反义词!反义词! 一个较难的英语完形填空(1个空),Luckily,the day came when his teacher asked him to play some holiday songs.He didn’t want to,but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys,he realized that he could show others that he had talent afte 英语 完型填空(3空)-----高手帮忙----在线等完型填空An 80-year-old man was sitting in his house beside his 45-year-old son.Suddenly a crow landed in front of the window.The father asked his son,“What is that?” The son replied, 一篇英语完形填空(5个空)----高手帮忙----在线等“Can we have a dog?” my sister and I begged as we crowded around Dad after he walked in from work.Dad did not even pause to consider our request.“No,” he replied.“Absolutely 还有不到三个月就要英语六级考试了,哪位大侠给个系统的复习时间,哪一段时间做些什么,本人6月英语四级考了486分,听力165,阅读164,综合54,写作103.能否根据这个成绩给个考六级的建议. 韩国的文字叫什么字? 姓名俩字在韩国文字怎么写 韩国字怎么打,例如(五彩智慧树)怎么翻译成韩文字! 节约用纸手抄报.急!要清晰的图片或明确的排版和内容,要一年级水平的,10分钟内加分! 英式英语翻译 幽默 中间 戏院 旅游者急!十分钟内! 能帮我翻译一下어 쩌 죠, 너무 긴장 되 지、 a touchstone book 是哪类书?似乎是个专有名词,在书记的封面上写着 英语翻译非常急!希望高手快进来帮我英文翻译:这是总台,你的房费不够了,昨天就欠了36元,你前天交300元,今天再住就不够了.你还要住几天,请把钱补上! 英语翻译翻译:Why is it believed that much remains to be done before black Americans enjoy full equality? Softhearted is sick,but you are life. 英语翻译1.What if everybody else is wearing jeans and T-shirts?(翻译) 英语翻译I have my own room.It's very lovely.There's a wood bed and a blue shelf inside my room.I put some picture of sea on the wall.Ther make me feel quiet.on the back of my room,there is a big window,the sunshine shinning down from it.把这段 好的加悬赏 高中地理作业急!跪求答案