
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:44:59
求人教版高中英语必修的MP3(听力,磁带),包括课后听力练习,单词 法拉第家庭背景 She bought the coat on her( )四十birthddy..急用 1、英国科学家发现——.——的发明和法拉第发现——,开启了电的时代2、刻度尺的使用方法——3、时间的国际单位——换算关系1h=——min=——.4、误差的定义5、减少误差的方法①——、② 英语选择___ the money i give her,she bought a souvenir for meause bwith cfor din别忘了注明理由 she bought me a gift___ 100yuan填什么介词 朋友介绍去新东方学英语,我去了感觉效果不是很好,主要孩子15岁,去哪学比较好呢? u q w v 找出不相同元音字母的单词有话好好说吗,价钱好讨论!第一个问题错误,叫你在u q w v 这四个单词中找出一个不同于其他的一个音素, 求元音字母 法拉第的故事 外研社高中英语教程 英音还是美音如题 蜡烛燃烧(法拉第)问题关于法拉第子母火焰蜡烛燃烧后,将短玻璃管插入焰心,发现另一端也可以点燃,导管里一定有可燃性气体,气体的成分可能是什么?是CO还是石蜡蒸汽还是两者都有,请设 法拉第的著名事迹有哪些? 法拉第小时候的故事,或童年的,谢谢啦 戴维即是法拉第的老师、引导者,又是法拉第成名后的嫉妒者和反对者.照例子,三种 是换关联词 Is your name Jim Green?A.Yes,Iam B.Yes,it is C.No,Ian D.Yes,Iam 选哪个? 1-5谢谢英语 It's better to be alone than to be with someone you're not happy to be with.句型的用法?这个句子用的是什么固定句型? It' better for people to laugh at your mistake than __(be) angry with you为什么 简单的近反义词是什么 we are often ___with our lessons,and we have no time to exercise根据首字母填词 We often have c lessons in the labc是一个单词的开头,要填出这个以c开头的单词 I often have a c_____ with my cousin on the Internet. We often have lessons _____ 8A.m _____5P.m Please be( )when you do your homenwork.A.does B.careful C.carefully D.more carefully Isn't she cute? A,No,she isn't. B,Yes,sheIsn't she cute? A,No,she isn't. B,Yes,she isn't. C,No,she is.求答案和思考过程,谢谢. 如何提高企业员工英语交流能力 (D.)___when you cross the road.A.Do care B.Care C.To be care D.Do be carefull (D.)___when you cross the road.A.Do careB.CareC.To be careD.Do be carefull When you cross the road,you should be___and walk_____.(care) whether we will go fishing or not decides on weather怎么翻译 英语翻译再解释一下为什么是(on) the weather A:Jack left the classroom----all the windows----. A.after ;closed B.with;open C.before;closeD.with;closing应该选哪一个