
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:03:47
Kate want to drink some milk(改成同义词) 谁能帮我翻译一下这个标题:Flash Floods and Ripples: The Spread of Media Content through the Blogosph SHAKESPEARE AND COMPANY怎么样 this is a content support service company什么意思 英语翻译Do you enjoy___(教)English in our class,Mr Green?Let'us_____(会见)Simon first.她很滑稽(翻译)半小时之内 Then I choose to give If I give you a piece of cake,you might ask for a glass of milk这句话有什么特殊意义吗? she was born deaf句中deaf是做名词用吗? 求:luxun is famous ( ) a writer 中间填"as"还是“for"?快速!准确!1确定吗? 美国军演,中国如何应对?中国不是好欺负的!强烈要求;中国政府以强硬手段对付美国在中国的沿海地区肆无忌惮的军演,这是对中国明目张胆的挑衅和要挟,我们已经忍无可忍了.中国不是好欺 外资企业 有比foreign company更地道的翻译么 英语翻译么读怎么翻译 kangkang said sorry for what hes aid.这句话可以这样写么? 这个句子“he advised me to live in where the air is fresher" 我觉得where...作in的宾语 但...这个句子“he advised me to live in where the air is fresher" 我觉得where...作in的宾语 我意思是用where,,,引导宾语从句 来作 -Mom , what did your doctor say ? -He advised me to live where the air is fresher .汉语翻译 这个句子“he advised me to live in where the air is fresher" 正确吗? 我觉得where...作in的宾语从...这个句子“he advised me to live in where the air is fresher" 正确吗? 我觉得where...作in的宾语从句可以呀 但答案 鲁滨逊于什么时间开始了第四次航海 鲁滨逊第四次出海目的地是哪 英语翻译The company charges aspiring traders $199 a month for a live,real-time view of Mr.Lindloff’s computer screen,along with the running banter,commentary and advice that he and Mr.Gomez provide through the morning.(After lunch,it’s just M 将下列句子改为被动语态 1.They speak English as much as possible every day .(A)将下列句子改为被动语态1.They speak English as much as possible every day .English ()()as much as possible()them every day .2.Lucy wate He advised me to live _____the air is fresher.为什么填where,而不可以填in which go to parks and beaches的意思 go out to beaches是什么意思? go out to beaches的意思 什么是圆明园12生肖兽首铜像? 鲁滨孙航海遇到了什么危险有四次危险 朋友父亲去世,慰问词怎么写? 反义疑问句 They used to go for a walk after dinner,______A.did they B.usedn't they C.didn't they D.both B and C 在欧洲,除了英语外那个语种应用最广? 世界上除英语外使用地区最广泛的语言是什么?最好学的小语种是什么? 非通用语种 英语怎么说 鲁滨孙遇到了什么危险鲁滨孙漂流记中鲁滨孙遇到了那些困难又是怎么解决的呢?