
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 08:00:11
九上英语,Unit9 九年级英语unit9听力翻译 用bed,books,pectuer,bookcase,wall,computer,table,chair,backpack,near,on,next to介绍自己卧室,不少于50词 Yesterday was Friday.保持原意 ( )( )Friday yesterday. don't (t...)litter about in the street括号里填什么,是T开头的 为人品质的事例 it is (friday)soccer yesterday afernoon(对括号里提问) Kay is going to the doctor---- Saturday morning and going to the mall ---Sunday.A.不填;on B.in;on C.on;in D.in;不填 为什么在这句话中不加on?:kay is going to the doctor Saturday morning. On Monday,I'm going to the doctor.这句话如果用 have to 改写(时态不变的情况下)能不能写成On Monday,I'm having to go to the doctor. You are never going to be a ___ but a failure.A.success B.chance C.school D.novel the poor thief never stood a chance of getting away ,( )he made the mistake of running( )a skating rink where some kids were playing.a.why b.if c.or d.becausea.to b.through c.in d.from Never despair of success什么意思 “仍然留在贵族手中并且并且被贵族用来抵制新兴工业资产阶级野心的政治权利,已经同新的经济利益不能共存未改变这一状况,英国进行A光荣革命 B1832议会改革 it is a success=it is successful?正确么 it is a hard choice 其他说法 We all hope ____come to the party.A.he B.We all hope ____come to the party.A.he B.him C.her.D.them这里,hope后是从句吗,我选择哪一个 He is fome China.= we enjoyed ourselves at the Party.= 为什么奴隶阶级罗马法可以很好的适应资本主义制度罗马法产生于奴隶制社会 而且当时的生产力水平也十分低下无法与资本主义的生产方式相提并论 可为什么当时的欧洲要复兴罗马法 为 we did no see him in the party.he()itcan not have attendedshould not have attendedmust not have attendedneed not have attended为什么不是should not have attended呢?而是can not have attended the end world的语法对吗? 喜欢明朝有错吗 为什么骂我!5555555555居然骂我是愤青 A friend is someone who knows us,but loves us anyway.准确一些啊 按照罗马法,古罗马妇女不能提出诉讼.如果她的财产受侵犯,她如何保护?谁来保护?若是由她的父亲或丈夫为她提出诉讼,那么她又没有父亲或丈夫呢? 英语翻译并说一下文章中像这样的句子怎么翻以此句为例 如果你是班长,想了解同学们上网都做些什么,用问卷形式向全班同学进行调查,列举一条你设计的调查内容 英语中有没有双重后置定语?比如:the message pinned to the door reading “……”?the message pinned to the door reading “……”?这里的 pinned to the door 和 reading “……”是不是双重后置定语,而且为什么read be prepared for中的prepared是什么词性 请问这句话中Be prepared for 若有错误如何改正?“I want to know are there any suggestions or requirements of anything that I should know or be prepared for?” hi is one of my friends的同义句 Fred is one of my friends.同义句转换 假如你是班长,现在请你写一篇70字左右的广播通知,告诉同学们班级决定去stone field country 春游.广播通知应包含以下内容:1、时间:4月21日,星期五,早上8:002、集合地点:学校大门口3、简单