
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:05:13
He ate most of the bread,so there is _____ left.A.little B.a littlePlease Why? _of the bread is left. I ate most of it中文?其中left做什么讲 主语从句that位于句首才不可以省略吗?如果位于句中呢? a little bread ,a few breads 这样是不是前面的是不可数后边的是可数?这样写对么?这两个句子?面包为什么是不可数啊? 汤很好喝.为什么不尝一尝它呢?是的,但我认为再加点盐会更鲜美.The soup _ very _.Why _ _ _ _ _ it?Yes,but I think it will _ _ _ a little _ salt. What is scarcity and why it is so important in economics?i need the definition and meaning about the scarcity and explain why is it so important.thanks! The doctor came () our eyes A.to examine B.for eThe doctor came () our eyes A.to examine B.for examining C.as to examine D.examining 要非常详细的原因和翻译 why do you like doing in your free time? keep the onions s___ from the bread or they will make it smell 求歌词:baby girl i m down,down on my knees,baby you please,dont say it s too late百度上没有查到相应的歌曲,希望哪位达人可以告诉我这句歌词出自哪首歌, Bringing Me Down To My Knees 歌词 Don't be______ of making mistakes.这里用的是afeiaid,但是这不是形容词吗,但不是形容词不是修饰形容词吗?错了,形容词修饰的不是名词吗? 蒲公英告诉你什么道理 帮我想一句关于蒲公英而又有哲理的话 我们从蒲公英的身上学到了什么 bring me down to my 听过两首歌都有这类似的词了是想表达很忧伤的意思吗 好快 英文怎么说 神龛是什么 神龛上要写什么内容?越多越好我姓王 怎么能又快又好的学会英语 神龛牌位怎样写我们贵州黔东南神龛上面中间一般都写天地君亲师位,左右边写什么?比如右边某氏历代宗亲?只需要挨中间天地君亲师位两边的,说全面+分.比如右边普同供养,左边是吾宗支? Dare to Dream的歌词2000年悉尼奥运会的. Dare to dream Dare to fly怎么读 开始是duluduludulu第一句是i im staying in the morning,the dane on the corner的一首英文歌优酷Best Riven NA飘逸浪瞎子视频45分左右那首歌 神龛是什么?有什么用? 放神龛用什么木材做? Alice practuces playing the piano four hours every day.对four提问,改成疑问句,求解 a whole 如果它又和year一起连什么意思? Could you give me a hand_________ the shopping from the car,please?A,to carry B,for carrying C,carrying D.carried选什么,为什么? You could wash and clean the car for them.这You could wash and clean the car for them. 英语翻译These conflicts between princes,nation states and ideologies were primarily conflicts within Western civilization,"Western civil wars," as William Lind has labeled them.This was as true of the Cold War as it was of the world wars and the