
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:48:55
将下列句子改为一般疑问句.l have some birds We like fishingThe boys are under the tree 把下列句子改为一般疑问句,1.We need some masks.Do you need any masks?2.They like making the puppet.Do they like making the puppet?3.Su Hai and Su Yang live in a new house.这里的live为什么不加S.Does su Hai and Su Yang live in a new what is the difference between DivX and Xvid?do normal dvd potable players play them? 帮我起个德语名~英文名Penny,在德语里可以用不?有么有类似的啊,再麻烦说下读音. I hope you like the books you ordered这句话什么意思? it was my job to have each horse caught by the time my father got his shoes的中文意思. 把下列句子改为一般疑问句They are watching the game.There is a big lake in the nature park.Ihave a sore throat.速答!~~~~~~~ 仿句\"无论是鸟语花香的清晨,还是夕照临窗的黄昏\" 不论是鸟语花香的清晨,还是夕照临窗的黄昏.请接着写 不论是~还是~的句式 2句 六年过去了,六年就这样匆匆地过去了!不论是鸟语花香的清晨,还是夕照临窗的黄昏;不论是(),还是();不论是(),还是().对于母校的一草一木,我都充满眷恋之情. 请英文高手帮我翻译一下,这个句子吧:(早知道等来的是这样的结局,又何必苦苦等待.)谢谢了哈. ( )After the little boys saw a big dog,They______and ran away.A.cried out B.cryed out C.shout out 求英语作文!请用书面通知的形式!写得好的话,明天是教师节,请以校长室(Pprincipal’s Office)的名义写通知,告诉老师下列情况:1.明天停课庆祝教师节2.庆祝时间:明晚(9月10日)6:303.庆祝地点 仿照例句句式.例句:如果我是阳光,我将照亮所有的黑暗 例句:如果我是阳光,我将照亮所有的黑暗 仿写:如果我是清风,________ 如例句:如果我是阳光,我将照亮所有的黑暗仿写:如果我是清风,________ 如果我是春雨,________ ”褒渎”是什么 意思 褒渎一词是什么意思? 苏州官渎里.渎怎么读? 英语翻译今年的端午节湛江将举行国际龙舟赛,我有幸成为一名翻译的志愿者,工作就是到时接待外国游客,问题是我不知道龙舟赛和端午节文化的英文版,所以向大家急求关于举行龙舟赛和端午 单选题 1.___ bad weather it is We can't go out for a walk.A What B How C What a D How a _____ good weather it is!Why not go out for a walk?A waht B How C waht a D How a 英语翻译不过有点难 我觉得.伦敦小孩模仿24种英语口音我需要的是英语,他说的英语你敲给我即可,中文翻译 我自己能做到,只是听力不好。 When I was in Junior High School I went through this period where I thought I was a witch这句话这里的where代表的什么意思啊 是从句吗 短文改错,下面短文中有十处语言错误there was a time when zhang yi and i was good friends,正文there was a time when zhang yi and i was good friends,but now we are like stranger.on his fiest day in our class two years ago,he had no one 英语题目:It's ( ) walk.A.four hour B.four hour's C.four- hours D.four hours' find oneself什么意思 1.It's ----(打雷了).2.It's ----(天气放晴了).3.I's----(太阳又出来了). 怀德招亲是什么意思 怀德招亲 蟾宫月殿桂飘香,玉籄团圆万里光,六水三山归镜里,无瑕一片挂穷苍.问婚姻,请有缘人替我解析!? 月宫仙桂的神话 谁知道月宫仙桂 面如土色怎么造句?