
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 12:53:01
坐在缓慢行驶的车上,为什么路边的树在向后倒退? 坐在行驶的车上观察路边的树,你会发现树在向后退.车速越快,树向后越快,解释这两个现象 甲同学在跑步时发现路边的树木正在向后倒退,请问他这是以什么为参照物? 英语翻译Rose:I love you Jack.Jack:Don't you do that,don't say your good-byes.Rose:I'm so cold.Jack:Listen Rose.You're gonna get out of here,you're gonna go on and make lots of babies,and you're gonna watch them grow.You're gonna die an old...an o 英语翻译如果我是你的女朋友,我会只在你面前很笨,让你惊喜地发现,原来在大家眼里冰雪聪明的我也会犯只有你知道的弱智错误.如果我是你的女朋友,我会给你起很多很多可爱又笨笨的外号, 英语翻译this essay begins with the introduction of defintion and classification of context theories.context covers three classifications that refer to linguistic context,situational context and cultural context.after detailed description of conte 第三题,列算式 有关于教育的成语什么传什么教哪位大哥知道关于教育的成语什么传什么教请知道的人给予帮助, 成语"传什么, 帮忙翻译几句话撒.我高三的急用.1. Mrs.Obama presented herself not as celebrity who has appeared on the cover of Vogue--though,of course,she has appeared on the cover of Vogue--but as a down-to-earth mom whoworks hard to keep in shape an 什么传什么今这句的成语 已知梯形ABCD中,AD‖BC,∠A=90°,AD=2,BC=3,AB=7,P是边AB上的一点,当点P在何处时,△APD与△BPC相似?要过程哒..还有道,已知:如图,在ABC与A1B1C1中,AB=AC,A1B1=A1C1,BD⊥AC,B1D1⊥A1C1,垂足分别为D、D1,且BD/B1D1=B "希望"的"希"右边加个报耳旁是什么字 “希”+抱耳是什么字? 二万千瓦电站年发电多少度电 雪蛤固元膏是怎么配制的?成分都有哪些? 鲁能在甘肃和河北的风力发电厂怎样啊?工作环境应该不好,有谁知道本科待遇啊,谢谢我快签了,有知道的帮 悲伤的小丑用英文怎么说 英语翻译He is able to smell different kinds of smells. 正六边形的边长等于其外接圆的半径.是真命题么 幼儿园大班的小朋友应该学会写哪些字 汉字宫里一共有哪些字需要孩子认识 帮我解四道简单的一元一次方程,给积分.one:3分之2-8x=3-2分之1xtwo:6分之1(3x-6)=5分之2x-3three:4x-3(20-x)=-4four:3分之1(1-2x)7分之2(3x+1) 有四块同样大小的三角形,每个三角形的每条边都一样长,;用这四个三角形拼成一个图形,能拼成什么图形? it will be more than 100 years __ the country begins once again to loA before B when C that D which .请大家帮忙给说说为什么选A. 卓绝的近义词是什么 卓绝的近义词 云端是什么啊笔记本上总有云端,打开一看说是能够快速添加文件之类的东西,可试了一下没什么反应啊 英语翻译in the event we are subject to any liability in connection with this engagement,regardless of legal theory advanced,such liability will be limited to three times of the amount of fees we received for this engagement. 屁股决定脑袋 头都大了 请问这句话该如何翻译Supplier, at its sole expense, shall take out with solvent and reputable insurance carriers that are acceptable to the Company insurance coverage of the types and in the minimum amounts stated in Appendix B, 与桃花源有关的人物、诗文、传说或故事名称有哪些?