
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:22:43
He,when,forgets,his,son,gets,really,angry,to wash the face快 He,when,forget,his,son,gets,really,angry,to wash the face急 he when forgets his son gets really angry to wash his face连词成句 Danming and petre like flying planes on sunday morning 这句话怎么翻译? 哪些动词后跟动词原形 有没有agree on sth这个短语 后跟动词原形的动词 大盘点希望可以 多一点 You should drink something after meals.(改为否定句) If you feel unconfortable after eating something,you should go to the doctor.这句话有错么 英语翻译我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿.今天,我们怀着极为兴奋的心情,在这里集会,欢迎来自英国ABC公司的布朗先生.这使我有极好的机会 英语中哪些食品以n打头除了面条. 我们常说的“鸿雁传书”源自于以下哪个历史故事? The littie boy___ ____ ____is my cousin左边的那个小男孩是我的表弟 这些孩子们玩的很开心,翻译 These boys are _____ _____ _____ 现在学英语时间太短了.怎样才能提高其效率? 英语中有没有be located(situated)with 这个词组?还是只有be located in表示坐落于……? as a young boy,he had to e__ a living because his family was poor He'll succeed because .He is always at his books 例:my mom is ironing.is my mom ironing?my mom isnit ironing.(急)we are cleaning the the house. 学英语有巧门吗? 学英语有什么好巧门 请问学英语有巧门吗?请和我说一说吧! 把虚字的业字换成处字的卜换成几,这个字怎么拼音? ①here is the s____ (a place to live or stay) for the swans ②it's important for youwrite your reports _______ (清楚)③ please put the _____(waste things,rubbish)into the dustbin The place you are going to stay in is something between a hotel and home.though it somewhat lacks the convenience of the former yet it has all the comforts of the latter翻译 4.He was in a traffic jam,( ) made him late for school.(本题分数:1 分.)A、 that B、 which C、 what D、 how If he is late,___(not wait)for him填什么? (Get) up late made him(late) for school . 应该填什么? He made us_____ a whole day.It was too long 这个空选哪一个A.wait for B.waiting for,为什么呢? "口齿不清的"和"似是而非的"分别是哪两个词 neither后的be动词是用is还是are还是视情况 Mr Hilton is not good at music.Neither _______ his children.A are B is C be