
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:00:23
1.阅读过的童话:_____________________________________________.印象最深的童话:____________________________________________.故事的大概内容:____________________________________________. 甜蜜的英语单词怎么写 We often go to the park on Sundays.(用go to the park提问) 2.On Sundays,children often go to the park and they think it a good place_______ .A.playing B.to play C.to playing D.for playing “酒店销售”英文怎么说? DO they go to the park on Sundays 回答? 参加派对用英文怎么说? DO they go to the park on Sundays 求一个短点的英语剧10个人左右5分钟,关于名人或童话故事的 我是一个四年级的小学生,星期三要英语演讲比赛,请大哥大姐给一篇稿子来,最好是童话的麻烦在今天晚上做出回要有翻译 用英语造句"我的爱好有很多,但是我最喜欢打乒乓球,我从小就喜欢." 机场或者宾馆的运行李的小车用英文怎么说?如题. 去机场接待外宾所说的英语有哪些,有收集的请发上来,急用多多益善. They often take a walk in ___ BeiHai park.A.the B.a C./ D.this 又漂亮又凉爽的英语单词怎么写 What do your parents often do after supper?They often take a walk in ___ Bei Hai Park.A:the B:a What do your parents often do after supper?They often take a walk in ___ Bei Hai Park.A:the B:a C:\ D:an They often go out for a walk in()sping.括号选什么 A.the B.a C.an D./ 古人是怎么划分一天的时间的?以前看到过,把一天化成很多种.不是天干地支,感觉是一种很文学的划分法,依稀记得好像是有:晨曦、朝露…… 有人知道所有的吗? 判断下列单词括号读音是否相同是打s 不同的打d1ATuesday Bbus2Adoctor Bmother3Asubject BTuesday4Awho Bhot 判断下列单词打括号部分的读音并将发音相同的单词归类【急啊】w[a]tch c[a]ndle conduct[or] vis[or ] [u]mberlla pl[a]te wh[a]t dr[u]m p[a]per c[a]mera[a]ct—n[o]t—n[a]me—[u]s—teach[er]—帮小妹一忙 The Browns are a happy family.They all like the sea.Every year they go to the beach for a week's They are a happy family句型转换把“happy”划线,对换线部分提问. How happy the family it is!对吗,还是在末尾用they are How happy the family is/are!可以吗How beautiful the dress it is!How tall the buildings they are! Do they have a happy family?怎么回答 七上语文课堂作业本第三课答案阅读 要看例词,写出含有相同读音规则的(括号里的读音)其它单词5个并写出音标例 b(oo)k look cook good bookstore foot [u]1.b(a)ll 2.c(a)k(e) 3.r(ai)n 4.gr(ay) 5.r(ea)d 6.thr(ee) 7.c(oa)t8.h(o)m(e) 9.yell(ow) 10,wh(o) 11.c(oo)l 12. They often have a p in the park onThey often have a p in the park on Sunday.要有翻译才采纳. I often see her ____ in the park.选哪一个?A.running; B.run为什么不用runs 求指导 they often dance in the park.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答,在变成否定句) 欧洲联盟位于哪里,及它的英文名称 欧盟25个成员国的英文名称怎么写? 写出含有括号内字母组合的单词,并使它们在词中的读音相同.(每个写4-8个)park(ar)glass(ass)steal(ea)feel(ee)certain(er)circle(ir)stare(are)ear(ear)pair(air)pork(or)fluent(ue)dangerous(ou)photo(ph)picture(ture)wash(sh)chair