
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 19:11:41
I hear the super girl is coming to our city to give a concert.--It's exciting()her by ourselves.A to see and listen to B to see and to listen to C seeing and listening D seeing and listening to Super girl is coming一般疑问句 英语翻译The Manic Street Preachers' confrontational attitude looked back to British punk rock,and their concerts also aped the chaos of that era.This proved a perfect mix for the music press,which began championing the band.When the NME journalis and were more likely to experience greater sense of personal well-being还更能体验到一种独属于自己的幸福personal well-being个人的幸福greater sense of 更大的感官,“of“一般和名词在一起,但我总搞不清楚of怎么 out there / in here 这两个都是固定的搭配吗? tell phone 和 call phone哪个是正确的词组有个人 一直和我狡辩说是tell phone 我知道正确答案是 call phone 但是我想知道为什么是call 而不是tell Fill in the brackets with a word that forms different words with the .Fill in the brackets with a word that forms different words with the preceding letters.RDVONMIQ test please tell him___me a call as soon as he___home from work .选择please tell him___me a call as soon as he___home from workA.to give,willB.give,comesC.gives,will comD.to give,comes A thief was seen to steal some meat_ that shopA of B from C at D in 不是说steal sth from sb steal sth in somewhere 么..还有rob是不是只能sth of 有somewhere伐~ 1896年的奥利匹克运动会在什么地方举行以后每几年举行一次 “busy”这个单词可以做为英文名字吗?“busy”这个单词可以做为英文名字吗? “瑰”gui.1声和4声多音字组词? 我的名字是宋锦清,希望各位大大能帮我起个英文名,注,我是男的. gui( )宝.这个字怎么写 现在有种食物叫“牛丼”,丼这个字我查不到确切的读音.有人说是叫 jing,跟井是同一个读音,还有的说是读dong,跟冬一个读音,谁能给个确切的读音.Ctrl+C Ctrl+V的大侠就算了,我只要个读音,别来 谁认识这个字是什么?这是个什么东西? with a in one word ,in a word,on one word,with a word分别是什么意思 李源潮是谁的儿子啊 现在正国家级干部都是谁?一共几位?李源潮是吗现在正国家级干部都是谁?一共几位?李源潮是吗 把这个句子变为间接引语:The boy said,'My father died in 2005.' The teacher said,"you got a low mark,__,becauseyou did not do your homework."A.for one thing B.on the hand C.for some reason D.for one purpose. 请问这个男生是谁啊?叫什么名字? 用适当形式填空my sister and i like __ (differently)fruit.C.what a D.how a为什么?C.what a D.how a为什么?是多余的。 根据首字母填空:5.Lingling in a town can't c_______ with living in the country in many respects. 英语作文 假如你暑假期间出去游玩,请把你的旅游经历告诉你的朋友们,并把这次经历写成70字左右的作文 We use it to ask questions It is in our face 在PCAYIQBDHT中猜一个字母 根据首字母写单词Take t ------------- to ask me questions 外国抢夺中国的文化遗产有哪些莪钔滴作业,拜托个位μ勒!学妹莪先谢勒 懂英语的看一下:Take( )to ask me questionst开头今天就要,为什么 miento y usted no tiene que ir hasta el final如题,西班牙语,甚意思? (在线等)离散数学将这个式子化成主范式并判断真假~ 谁能帮我总结关于get的所有短语句型 我都等了很多天了,