
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:16:08
林冲夜宿山神庙,听见外面有三人在说话,分别是 I need it!NOWwhat is the meanning of tessues?how many times the micorscope need to be to see a cell? No,I don't need to water it now.这句话怎么翻译好 I am in Suzhou now.if you want to learn English,you need to use it. 我查了工商局的网站,某公司注册资本1000.000000万元人民币到底是多少钱呀. 英语翻译注:应该是工地施工用语 为什么君权神授侵害了资产阶级和新贵族的权利还有就是为什么查理一世一度关闭议会,但是1640年还是召开议会希望筹集军费 求翻译!a customer site 1、有限责任公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币3万元一人的有限责任公司注册资本最低限额是10w,一次全缴.那3w是好几个人的投资吗!还有1、全体股东的货币出资金额不得低于注册资本的30%.能 股份有限公司的最低注册资本到底是500万还是1000万?依据是什么?做了两份题目,一份的答案是500万,一份的答案是1000万,上网找到的答案,一些是500万,一些是1000万,谁能告诉我到底是多少,依据是 one need only look at the world-renowned Joan of Arc and Mulan to see how exceptionally ladies coulone need only look at the world-renowned Joan of Arc and Mulan to see how exceptionally ladies could perform on the battlefield. my father`s traveled to another city 改为否定句 Inhibited in one direction,it now seems that the Mississippi is about to take another 英语翻译见问题补充,than the rest of the G7 nations put together,with only two economies,Germany and Canada,increasing factory employment at all.其中的那个than的用法是什么啊,since.than...还有后面的那个at all,increasing,求 Except for lack of money,he would have traveled to many places.这里的“to ”可以去掉吗? Being baddly wounded,the whale would die soon.这句中 being能否省去? 朱自清的《春》的文眼是什么? 师生之间的爱称为什么情?如朋友之间的爱称为友情,亲人之间的爱称为亲情 什么是平面设计中标志的抽象美 He plays his guitar.这句话对否? 求山下达郎的forever mine 中文歌词 jack plays his guitar at nine o' clock对划线句子提问,划线句子是plays his guitar_____ _____jack______at nine o' clock Jack plays his guitar at nine o'clock对 plays his guitar 进行提问 It was his firm belief in the final victory that ____ him ____ the war.A .brought…upB .brought…downC .brought…aboutD .brought…through Many people observed the belief( )sth from the lady's bag,but no one stopped him()that.A steal;to do B to steal ;doing C stealing ;do D steal;doing 英语翻译原文:尧遭洪水,浩浩滔天,荡荡怀山,下民昏垫.禹为匹夫,未有功名,尧深知之,使治水焉,乃凿龙门,斩荆山,导熊耳,通鸟鼠,栉奔风,淋骤雨,面目黧黚,手足胼胝,冦绖不暇取,经门不及过,使 英语翻译禹出,见罪人,下车问而泣之.左右曰:“夫罪人不顺道,故使然焉,君王何为痛之至于此也?”禹曰:“尧舜之民,皆以尧、舜之心为心.今寡人为君也,百姓各自以其心为心,是以痛之也.” 英语翻译 红月亮怎么形成的 最好写在纸上 He always gets to school—than his deskmate Bill. we party members should set a good example to the masses.为什么不用for set a good example for sb这句话完全可以翻译为:我们共产党员应该为人民大众树立好榜样!