
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:31:23
阳光英语怎么写 太阳的英文怎么写?直接写出来.有把握的才能写,没把握的写就是误人子弟. a few few a little little四个,是不是都既可作形容词,又可作副词? 我会考虑当一名英语教师而不是一名导游.I will think about___an English teacher___ ___a___ ___. 英语高手进,谢绝翻译器.It costs twice as much as mine. Staying in hotel costs twice as much as renting a room in Shenyang for a year.翻译 英语翻译要用(in the sun)!1 怎么写作业 这个作业怎么写呢 会做的请写下面第一题#includevoid main(){int x=1,y=0,a=0,b=0;switch(x){case 1:switch(y){case 0:a++;break;case 1:b++;break;}case 2:a++;b++;break;case 3:a++;b++;}cout Tanslate the following business letter into ChineseDear Sirs,Your inquiry of Sept.10 hasreceived our attention,and thank you for your interest in our leather shoes and handbaga.A copy of our illustrated export catalogue will be sent to you today.All write a letter to a distributor of a productor. you need to ask for details about the products, and prices. you could also ask for a catalogue. abrochure or samples of the priduct.make sure the letter is weitten in the form of a business letter . you Think about 和 Think of 的用法?区别? not only but also 前后两个分句的主语可以不同吗?比如...比如Not only has she gained popularity, but her achievement has inspired younger tennis players as well. 英语翻译求高翻..我的理解是:据说,平均来讲游客在利兹市一天的花费只有在伦敦的一半.有没有翻译的再漂亮一点的·· 英语翻译 over your face 无船承运人提单和班轮运输提单的作用,急, business etiquette座次礼仪用英语怎么说? doing business in Business Etiquette in British要一些西方国家商务礼仪英文的 I get in twice as many a week for him.的意思I get in twice as many a week for him.He smokes twenty or more a day.第一句不太清楚意思,我分两次给他烟?不可能是我抽他两倍的烟量,因为后面是他抽得多 Staying in a hotel costs______renting a room in a dormitory for a week.A.twice as much as B.twiceStaying in a hotel costs______renting a room in a dormitory for a week.A.twice as much asB.twice thanC.as much twice as答案是A.twice as much a 八年级语文下册29课满井游记画出你最喜欢的句子,并说明理由. I"ll love you twice as much tomorrow这句英文歌的歌词哪位大虾能给翻译下啊, "I'll love you twice as much tomorrow"是什么意思?特别是"as much tomorrow", what he emphasized over and over again was ___,no matter……what he emphasized over and over again was ___,no matter how diffcult it might be ,they should never retreat even for an inchA whether B what Cit D that为什么B不行呢 1.以上句子中,表示他笑了的句子有:___________.2.表示他没笑的句子有:___________.1.他笑了.2.他没有笑.3.他差点笑了.4.谁说他笑了.5.他笑够了.6.谁说他没有笑.7.他真想笑够.8.无人不说他笑了.9.无 I want to stand high and I can have a_________view.(good)怎么填,为什么 you are not fit for the job .i think so .合并为含宾语从句的复合句 as a new graduate,he doesn;t know it takes to start a business here.为什么用what不用which? As a new graduate,he doesn't know___it takes to start a business hereA、how 、B what 、C、when、D、which为什么不选A意为:他不知道怎么样在这里开始他的事业