
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:27:19
高中常考易错的不可数名词有哪些? 请用平方差公式运算.①(1+1/2)(1+1/2²)(1+1/2^4)(1+1/2^8)+1/2^15=?②(1-1/2²)(1-1/3²)(1-1/4²)……(1-1/10²)=?要用平方差.写出 buy some apples and bananas 对不对I’m going to the supermarket to buy some _____ this afternoon. A. paper and pencil B. apples and bananas C. milk and eggs D. bowl and spoons some apples,please的问句十万火急 A:( ) in the basket?B:( ) some bread,some apples and bananas.选择:A.Where's;There're B.What's;There's C.What're;There's D.What's;There're 和女生聊天,她有时回复“嗯”,有时是“嗯啊”,这两个有什么区别,表达什么含义? 过滤的概念是什么? 一辆汽车从静止开始做匀加速直线运动,5S末的速度达到15m/s^2,汽车达到加速度是? two bottles of milk 后面谓语动词用单数还是复数? two bottles of milk后面的谓语动词用单数还是复数如题 重力的方向是竖直向下的,请问“竖直向下”怎么理解?老现还说,重力的方向是指向地心的,这种说法对吗? 请问,装饰材料类型中的金属装饰材料的种类及特点有哪些? 重力的方向是竖直向下吗? the speaker raised his voice just to make himeself heard怎么翻译 The speaker raised his voice in order to be heard by the people 高一英语单句改错 题 The speaker raised his voice to make himself hear 生物里的 滤过 什么意思呀?和 过滤 有什么区别? milk a cow有复数吗? 1 She raised her voice to heard better.2 She raised her voice to be heard better.( 那个对?) 滤过与过滤和什么不同?需要详尽的解释!小肠细胞膜的吸收作用主要依靠被动转运与主动转运来完成,其中,被动转运过程要主包括被动扩散、易化扩散、滤过、渗透等作用.在这里,滤过,恐怕不 过滤和滤过的不同? 什么是生物过滤 生物过滤有哪些 妈妈买回一个大西瓜,小姐问妈妈西瓜有多重.妈妈说这个西瓜的重量等于四分之九千克加上他自身重量的一半,你帮小军算算 西瓜多重不用方程 英语翻译怎么是使他自己(HIMSELF) 听到?而不是别人(the others)? he _______to speak a little louder to make himself______A.expected,hear B.was expected,hear C.expected,heard D.was expected,heard选哪个?为什么?中文意思是? Could you speak a little bit louder in order to make yourself( )A hearing B heardc hear D to be heard The chairman told the speaker that she ______ to speak a little louder so as to make herself _____.A.was expected; heard B.had expected; hear C.had hoped; hear D.was hoped; heard 正确答案为A,可是答案D为什么不对 Why you like English?帮我写七八句.英文的. Will you speak a little louder so that you can make everyone heard what you said.谁帮我分析下这句的语法有没有错误哦.我感觉很有问题.怎么后面这么多的动词.可惜我不懂.还有,谁能和我讲下had+过去分词和had 如图在等腰梯形ABCD中,AD//BC,对角线AC垂直于BD,AD=3.BC=7,求梯形的面积 将 why do you like art.改成why do you like art.的同义句.