
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:43:55
Do you remember those days____we spent along the seashore very happily我填了when 答案是which 这种题要怎么分析呢 老错TAT do you remember those days ____we spent along theseashore very happily? we'll remember those days when we played by the sea的句子才成份 请问(知恩图报)里面的图报怎么解释? 你晚上最好不要熬夜.英语中翻英,必须得用Had better这个词. 英语翻译 因为看不懂繁体,帮忙翻译下哦,谢谢“ 谢谢,我会温暖,这个冬天很幸福”“这个围巾蛮好的”“你给那个卖家好评吧”“一定要好评”好吧,不用了…… 有关知恩图报的诗句 关于知恩图报的诗句 脚底踩到小石头,已经几个月了,为什么脚底还是会疼我是从车上跳下来踩到石头的 英语翻译声明;我只是个初中生哦,英文还没那么好always therewhen i'm less than i should bewhen i just can't face the daywhen darkness falls around meand i just can't find my waywhen my eyes don't clearly seeand i stumble through it a 繁体字看不懂?费(·心壤 ·尒讨厌我 还有比这更悲伤德麽·? 月亮的脸笑在掌心 1用自己的话概括全文的中心论点.2.文章运用了哪些论证方法.3文中举古代寓言故事要证明的观点是什么.4“它不仅包藏这求生的愿望”中的“它”指代什么 知恩图报是三国成语么? 怎样用纸叠桃心? 问一下桃心怎么用纸折出来(立体的那种)有一次在电视上看到一个纸折桃心的教学.当时没学会.我看到的是那种立体型的桃心.是用许多纸折的小零件拼插出来的.而且可以用这种小零件拼差 上海嘉鸿房地产经纪有限公司第八分公司 翻译成英文!几个同事意见不一致看下谁对! 女生送的纸折的4颗大的桃心和3颗中等大的桃心和一颗小的桃心是什么意思? 英语翻译和 offer sth.to sb.的区别有什么? 英语翻译 完整填空 完全填空do uou k_ Jeremy Lin he is a famous b_ player .he is 191 cm t_._Kate and her family _come from America?my favourite basketball _(play )is Jeremy Lin.do you like this book?it's——(real)interesting.not every wish _(come)true ,but som 填空(补充完整)时光( )溜走,暑气跟着阵阵海风( ),夕阳也渐渐地( ),变得温和起来,像( )笼悬在海与天的边缘,兴许是悬的太久的缘故,只见它( )刚一挨到海面,又( )了.它似乎 how about()at the school gate?A:meet B:meets C:to meet D:meeting Her head was sore after she knew the news.变同义句 Her head was sore ater she knew the news 改为同义句怎么改? 用所给动词的适当形式填空The old man sometimes________ (take)his dog out for a walk after supperI often __________(go) shopping with my moon They __________ _________(write) emails very often_______ Eddie ________(love) to eat rice Without me,that you must let yourself happiness!Let me last call you a dear baby,I love you.I onl翻译成中文 Thank you 完全填空Everyone gets tired sometimes.When you are tired ,you should follow the doctor's __1__ .First ,you should get enough __2__ and go to bed early for a few nights .You shouldn't ___3__ at night or study late.Having a good rest ___4__ good 填空,补充完整Dear Aunt Sarah,Thank you for the _____you sent me for my_____.I bought a CD,a video player,some books and some sweets."What a lot of things!"said Mum.I even had 10 pounds left.Mum told me to put the momey in the_____.So i did.I ha 英语 完全填空 可以组成什么单词