
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:56:19
Everyone knew what to expect from a Williams.to在这里的作用是什么? I know what to expect怎么变被动句? "That would work 我和美国教授发邮件,因为那边要求3月之前收到成绩单,我的成绩单可能要到6月份,我写邮件保证6月份寄到,征求教授意见,教授回复“"That would work fine.”晕,这个回复到底是什么意 friends 里面 that would be a ##judgement call laundry 里面那一段,rach问white cotton pant是属于white呢还是delicate,ross说that would be a judgement call。 请问“That would work out well for me.”应该如何翻译? Creat a coversation about something that would make you stop being friends with someone fast和quick的区别 稻谷在水里能生长吗?翻译句子 Iris made her brother (wash) the dishes是填wash吗? The Write brothers made the flyer all by____.选them还是themselves? I like thrillers.My brother likes them,too.改成同义句 I like thrillers.My brother_____ _____them. He made all the arrangement himself,and would let no one else have a -----in themA sense B hand C head D voice swift,speedy,quick.rapid之间的区别是什么? 水稻、千金、稗子区别:水稻有_____有_____;千金有______无_____;稗子________.rt 填空题 怎么填 影响水稻生长的生物因素是什么? 影响水稻生存的生物因素有哪些 水稻与稗子如何明白的区别? 水稻田中,影响水稻生长的生物因素有()()至少写出两种 体积是物体什么的大小? 物体的大小叫做物体的体积对吗?这是小学课件里的,板书是物体空间的大小叫做物体的体积.不知道物体的大小是不是. ____was known to them that Bob had broken his promise____he would give them a rise.A:it ,which.B:it, that.为什么选A?麻烦解答的详细点.谢谢. doctor said that the patient would die ____ he was sent to hospital immediatelyA. then B. but C.except D.unless 希望能详细的解释下 . 为什么 . She buys a gift for her cousin.her cousin.划线提问救命啊 what look the same from all sides?用英语回答 水稻肥大了把水放干行吗 物体沉底的浮力怎么求啊 物体沉底时排开水的重力为什么变小 再就是 如果F浮 mary looks the same as her mother 翻译成中文是什么句子? 英语翻译急用!原文:A young mother got a kind of cancer,and it was treatable.When she came home from the hospital,she was very worried about how she would look.She is lost lots of hair because of the treatment.When she was sitting in the kitc 将1.05g铝和过氧化钠的混合物放入一定量的水中,充分反应后固体无剩余.再向其中加入50ml 1mol/L的盐酸,恰好使反应过程中产生的沉淀刚好溶解.求原混合物中含铝、过氧化钠各多少克?我知道答 用“计”组褒义词.(两个字的) 将1.5g铝和过氧化钠的混合物放入一定量的水中,充分反应后固体物剩余.再向其中加入50ml 1mol/L的盐酸,可恰好使反应过程中产生的沉淀消失.求原混合物中铝、过氧化钠各多少克?要详细解答 谢 I think some things are better left unsaid.此句中left具体的含义是什么?