
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:02:51
英语翻译RT 辛未七夕 李商隐 求这首诗的赏析 辛未七夕 李商隐 求这首诗的赏析谁能帮我啊?复制的别回答! I like the bathroom_____(have还是with)a shower and a bath in it 英语翻译Door to bathroom and shower have awkward entrances.Bathroom door crowds bath area and shower door opens inward when the shower is already cramped enough. has a shower等于take a shower吗? Would you like to take your guitar with you? Would you like to go seimming with your teacher?回答应该是Would you like to go swimming with your teacher I am good at playing games,but I will not add friends 孙权射虎的故事 They u_____ to be good friends,but they aren't no 谁有answer,求answer for giving us中we是因为for变us还是因为giving变us? 一个圆环柱立在地面上,被太阳斜射,他的的影子是什么图形?A,圆.B.线段C椭圆滑一个圆环柱立在地面上,被太阳斜射,他的的影子是什么图形?A,圆.B.线段 C.椭圆 谁有有拼音的元素周期表,快传,有急用! 神将传奇的拼音? 月转廊的传的拼音 like三单动词 灵镜传奇,拼音怎么打 和尚常说的“善哉”“善哉”是什么意思? 趣味和尚系列最近在电视上看到一个动画,叫趣味和尚是FLASH版的,里面还有方言,谁知道在哪能观看!网站找过了 没有! He l____ a simple life 军同是什么意思? have you found out the telephone number I need?yes,but____,I have sat here for nearly a half houHave you found out the telephone number I need?Yes,but____,I have sat here for nearly a half hour.A.for finding it out B to find it out请问A为什么不 凹透镜被阳光射后地面形成中实影子的原理?我刚带上近视眼镜有半个月了...我脱下眼镜走路时发现太阳光射过透明的近视眼镜地面上产生了影子影子并不是中空的而是像墨镜一样中实的!想 什么叫做及物动词,什么又是不及物动词? 二丈和尚——? 什么叫做及物动词,什么叫做不及物动词 丈二的和尚摸不着头脑下一句是什么 事常与人违 事总在人为 求英语大神,只有五分钟. 英语翻译请翻译:如果你确认,我将会拿去给我的老板签字