
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:04:47
高中必修一数学A重点题型 设集合A={a,b,c},B={0,1}.试问;从A到B的映射共有几个?并将它们分别表示出来. A.causing a feeling of pityB.worthless,unsuccessfulThe supervisor is so [pathetic] that his entire staff is threatening to resign ( )We were awakened by the kitten's [pathetic] cries.( ) cause to have no disprove,denyThermal insulation This is an eraser( (改为一般疑问句,并作否定与肯定作答) 初二英语上册第三单元检测题 初二英语上册第三单元P18页上第二题作文咋写(仁爱版) My hobbies 表现勇往直前的成语或诗句 形容不畏困难,勇往直前的成语 形容勇往直前,坚持不懈的成语 成语 乘风破浪 的故事 he spent ____time reading the book A:his all B:all his C:his whole D:the whole选哪个?又为什么呢? he spent most of his spare time reading book on low有何错误打错了 是on law he spends much of his time reading book.spend需要加复数吗? _ has an eraser .This is her eraser .横线上天什么 这句话的翻译 He spent two hours reading the book(改为同义句)_____ _____him two hours____ ____the book He spent five days reading the book.(同义句)He spent five days reading the book.(同义句)_____ _____ him five days ______ ______ the book. 有人知道"11/71 woniora RD Hurstvill SYDNEY NSW AUSTRALIA" 翻译成中文是什么 人教版七年级上册期中作文 友谊如船,载着我们走向成功的彼岸 仿写 友谊如船,载着我们走向成功的彼岸 仿写至少五条 词汇辨析standard和rule好像都有“标准”的意思,用法上有什么区分? 高中必修一的13 题 1,老师为研究男女同学数学学习的差异情况,对某班50名同学(其中男同学30名,女同学20名)采取分层抽样的方法,抽取一个样本容量为10的样本进行研究,求女同学甲被抽到的概率为( )A,1∕50 B 单词辨析defer、postpone 、delay和put off 做推迟讲时有什么区别?We will ___a discussion of the program until more members are present a:defer b:postpone c:delay d:put off 经常、时常、常常词语辨析 词语的辨析书法老师擅长书法和古筝,“琴书雅韵”一词表达什么意思?可以贴在书法教室吗? 如果你一个人在家,你是非常害怕的,但你的心里除了感到害怕外,你还会有什么感觉(答案具体要词语)谢答案具体要二十字 我13岁,想问一个问题,希望现代汉语词典解释一下,可能我不懂.大家都知道开氏度 = 摄氏度 + 273.15 ,摄氏度 = 开氏度 - 273.15 ,怎么现代汉语词典附录上写的是1开=1开式度=1绝对度=1摄氏度?对了,那 It is cold in this room?请问:该句当中的“句子成分”是不是:1.主语——“room”2.系动词——“is”3.表语——“cold”4.定语——“this”还是:1.主语——“it”(用于代指“天气”)2.系动词— this is Andy' is notThis is Andy’s room. It is not very big, but the window is big and the bedroom is bright .We can see some pictures and a nice kite on the walls. Andy’s bed is small .A clock is on the table and some bottles of milk are He hardly spent any time on his subjects.did he No,so he does badly in his lessons 见补充这句话中的NO是不是表示的是肯定?代表yes?但是为什么要这么说?有什么规则和技巧吗? he hardly spend any time on his subjects,____? _____,so he did hardly in his lessonsA.didn't he ; YesB.did he ; YesC.didn't ;NoD.did he ;No选什么呢,麻烦请详细解释一下哦.谢谢 he hardly spend any time on his subject,____? he does badly in his lesson.A didn't he; NO B did he; No C didn't he; Yes D did he; Yes可是为什么,hardly不是否定含义的词吗