
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:49:58
为什么鸟可以飞?飞机飞行原理一样吗 请问飞机飞行原理是什么? 怎样不用听 看英标就能读好英语呢? 航模直升机的几个问题准备做个航模直升机,长度在一米左右(美国军机V22鱼鹰那布局的),请问用什么材料做机体比较好?电机用什么型号的?配什么型号桨?用什么样的传动机构?请老手们不吝赐 My books are over there .Please ___ .A.give them to me B.give me them C.give it to me D.give me it I like to sit ___ my parents when we take photos.A.between B.in the middle of C.in the front of D.at the back 邀请某人到中国过中秋 用英语怎么说 这是什么气候,有什么气候特点 欧洲气候特点 这些气候特点分别是什么? “请您慎重考虑!”用英语怎么说? 请说明原因 (已知答案是D项,为什么不是A呢?)It is hard for Jennifer to see what problem she has( ) in the company.Simply because she is a girl?A.got promoted B.getting promoting C.got promoted D.getting promoted 为什么D不行?)The cinema was crowdedwith many people,--------many children-------on their parents' lapsA including;seatedB including;seatingC include;satD included;sitting 高中英语选择题,选b,a,d,请说明一下理由1.The meeting was concerned _____ education reforms and many parents, concerned _____ the future of their children, were present.A. with; with B. with; about C. about; with D. for; about 2.Tom a 一道高中英语选择题(为什么D不行呢?)---------surprise to see you here!How are you doing?A What a greatB What greatC How a greatD How great 让我考虑一下 英语怎么说? 让我看看 用英语怎么说` 让我考虑考虑 英语怎么说? 考虑 英语怎么说 上海世博会2010年5月1日开始,到10月31日结束,历经( )天,5月1日星期六,那上海世博会2010年5月1日开始,到10月31日结束,历经( )天,5月1日星期六,那么10月31日是星期( ). 英语翻译___into use in April 2000,the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.A Being put B Having put C Putting D Put 英语翻译 英语翻译Choose the best answer for each of the following statements according to the passage.In nearly every country the most popular hobby is stamp collecting.There are probably only a few boys and girls who have not collected stamps at some tim 考虑用英语怎么说 "出于.的考虑"用英语怎么说 十道单项英语选择题 单项选择题,七年级英语 At home ,he never seems to have time until after 10:30 pm,_____his children have gone to bed.B、 when D、 by which time为什么选B不选D呢,B哪里错了? 1.---Do you mind if I open the window?---_______ I feel a bit cold.A:Of course not.B:I'd rather you didn't.C:Go ahead D:Why not?(此题正确选项为B,为什么用didn't,不用don't呢?)2.China,which has the largest population of the world,joined -------by the growing interest in nature,more and morepeople enjoy outdoor sportsa Influencedb Influencingc Having influencedd To be influenced 雪花牛排和肉眼牛排有什么区别? 谁知道哪有七年级英语下单项选择题的?