
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:26:34
大学英语2 单选31.—This is the worst film ever produced.Do you think so?—_______A.You’re wrongB.I don’t think so,I’m afraidC.Not at allD.No,that’s not real满分:2.5 分32.I’d like to _______ her to you for the job.She is very cl 丝绸之路在古代经过了哪些地方,这些地方分别是现在的哪儿? 英语学霸看这里! the man at last ---- and handed over all the money he had stolen.A.gave in B.gave away C.gave out D.gave to为什么不是A--屈服?we all insisted that we ---until we finished the work.A.would not rest B.didn't rest 能不能选A,理解作 我们坚 英语翻译麻烦把这段翻译成粤语:不知道是离愁点缀了生活,还是生活离不开愁闷,或许是我们太过于单纯,忘记了最重要的. 英语翻译睇完了《败犬女王》.记得里面说:有一种幸福叫“来不及的幸福”,所以我也要“爱得及时,没有如果”!唔理遇到任何事,只要仲喺对方身边,就喺一种幸福!有时,我哋只需要一个肩膀, 英语翻译我真的好失望,好心痛,为什么让我爱上这样一个男人,可是想忘记一个人谈何容易,尽管我被他弄的遍体鳞伤,可是却无法停止去爱他.我没有哭,他已经不值得我再为他流一滴眼泪,现在 短文填词 英语翻译Many years ago two friends went to a very small town.Their names were John and Tom.It was dark when they came to a little inn.They asked for a room with two beds.The master of the inn showed them a room and gave them a candle because ther 有人看到你吐口水是什么意思我感觉自己不是很恶心啊 为什么我走在路上 前面迎面过来的男的 都会往地上吐口水呢 (不是我自己心理在作怪) 还有我走在路上 老是有人朝我看(男的女的 一个男的对一个女的吐口水是甚么意思?吐与被吐的人怎么样? 吐口水代表什么意思 吐口水是什么意思 梦到吐口水是几个意思? 山海经中所记载的十日国是哪十个国家? 山海经里的国家位于哪里?写一部架空小说,可能要用到山海经的个别国家,但苦于不知道那些国家在哪里.在山海经中,它们是存在于大陆上的吗?如果书中没有说在哪里,我把其中个别国家设定在 求山海经全部 求山海经全集PS:其他人不要回答,谢 Every yearT_____of chinese and foreigners pay a visit here It's 20 years since.It's 是is 还是has 英语 改错题 改正 改错题i never knew much about her except for(for去掉)that she was strange.She didn't talk many(改为much).She wore black sports shoes and a black sweater;although(改为even) in the summer.She was in fact rather attr 英语翻译An education in financeAmerica's colleges embrace the capitalmarketsINTHE lecture halls of America's universities,capitalism is far more likely tobe damned than praised.Those who run the universities,however,have a keenappreciation of the 六级刷分问题,如果第二次考的没有第一次好,那分数算哪次?第二次没过的话又怎么算? My grandparents live in a house.I grew up in that house.将两句改写成一句定语从句 1.The house [ ] I grew up has taken down and replaced by an office building.A.in it B.in C.in that1.The house [ ] I grew up has taken down and replaced by an office building.A.in it B.in C.in that D.in which vie house i grew up_has been taken down and replaced by an office building.Ain itB in Cin that D 业余时间你喜欢做什么?英文 以学自损不如无学的翻译 业余时间你喜欢做什么?(英文短文100字左右) 在他们的业余时间 英语怎么说 在某人的业余时间用英语怎么说?赶快! 如何让孩子愿意学英语,快速提高英语.