
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:16:11
化工中污水处理影响cod的因素有哪些 数据以每年10%的速度增长英文翻译 It's important to have a goog rest帮帮芒5555555555 it is that 在句中什么意思?it 指代的是哪个词?并翻译这两句话,谢谢大家!The conclusion is not that emerging market countries should turn inwards . It is that their fate lies in their own hands. Do you want some juice. 英语翻译他们的比赛方式是不同的. Do you want some juice?该怎么回答,理由是什么 do you want any apples?还是 do you want some apples? 这种卑鄙的伎俩,阻挡不了中英两国人民的友谊.这句话怎么翻译成英文比较准确? 蛋糕英语moon月饼啊!纸杯蛋糕(fairy cake) 海绵蛋糕(sponge cake) 绿茶蛋糕(Teacake) 苹果蛋糕(Apple cake) 奶油蛋糕(Butter cake) 奶酪蛋糕(Cheese cake) 水果蛋糕(Fruit cake) 天使蛋糕(Angelfood cake) 牛油蛋糕 白玛丽鱼的养殖?我买了一对白玛丽鱼,回家后放在自来水的鱼缸里一会就要死,我就赶紧放回了原来的水里就又活了.我不知是怎么回事,现在我都不敢换水,还是用的卖鱼时的水.希望大家能帮我 除了朋友,其他都不重要 怎么用英文翻译 Nancy wants some salad.(同义句转换)Nancy______ _______some salad. 英文翻译:::::重要的事情是去辨别出真正的朋友 有关于some salad的问题为什么是some salad而不是some salads? Nancy wants to visit some big cities.(根据划线部分提问(划线部分是some big city)) He wants some noodles.(wants改为同义词) 谁能推荐几首类似She is my sin的激情的英文歌曲?听过的给点建议 玛丽鱼繁殖是一雌配二雄吗?可孔雀鱼,红剑是一雄配多雌的呀.百度上说玛丽鱼繁殖雌雄比是1:2,是不是比例倒了? they want (some bananas )括号部分提问( ) ( )they want 急 They want (some food).(就括号部分提问)______ _______ they ______ This is my wife.or she is my she is now my wife 对还是 she now is my wife 对,为什么是这个顺序 She is my wife 歌词 英语翻译 I want some XXX 名词加s吗如 I want some apple.这个 apple家不加s?有的人说不用加诶. 英语语法:some作形容词修饰可数名词时,可以接单数可数名词?例:I don't want to kill some randomperson.例句看到这个,person的复数是people 这里的some修饰了person I want some hamburgers改为同义句 I want some ______A.helps C.helping help并说明为什么 英语翻译好像是 艾薇儿的一首歌的歌词 孙中山领导的这场运动和维新变法性质之上有什么不同 It is not a good idea for children to have to work hard.Children should 16 iIt is not a good idea for children to have to work hard.Children should 16 in school as hard as th 悬赏分:0 - 离问题结束还有 6 天 4 小时 It is not a good ide