
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:29:27
举止等自然不拘束 This tie matches to tie _____,and they look___ together.(good) Which do you think is the best one that showed in Broadway this month? 分析下列字的音节结构(拼音,声母,韵头,韵腹,韵尾,调类,四呼):黄,有,知,音,语. 置之其坐里的之什么意思? 而置之其坐意思是什么? 置之其坐的之是什么意思?至之市的之是什么意思?快啊!很急的! 世界上有哪些自然奇观,写出简介.(只需一个) 世界罕见自然奇观如题,请详细作答. 而置之其坐的其是什么意思 庐山16大自然奇观美的解说我现在写作 you do not understand i don not think your shoes are made of real l补词 i would not like to be in your shoes if they think of what you are doing怎么翻译啊 This is your________,I think A. shoes. B. socksThis is your________,I thinkA. shoes. B. socks C. Skirt这几道题目帮我做一下 "草"开头的成语 结草开头的成语 开头是草与花的成语 世界和中国著名的自然奇观有那些? 缺少哪种元素可能使花药和花丝枯萎,花粉发育不良? 有首歌里有句歌词是 every step i take is a mistake to you,是什么歌?这好像是林肯公园的 .谢啦 西瓜什么科…速度… 西瓜的界门纲目科属种如题就像人类的分类:域:真核域 Eukarya界:动物界 Animalia门:脊索动物门 Chordata亚门:脊椎动物亚门 Vertebrata纲:哺乳纲 Mammalia亚纲:真兽亚纲 Eutheria目:灵长目 Prima then another 请代入这句话:At this time a basin of dirty water was pour on his head,then another. then Once a Frenchman got to England.He knew only a little English.One day when he was sitting by the window of a restaurant and having lunch,he heard a voice,“Look out!” so he put his head out of the window to find out what was going on outside. what is food to one man may be poison to another Every step that I take is another mistake to you 怎么翻译 花季注定悲伤一季用英语怎么说 ……,without having another man to check upon what he is doing,……这怎么是have sb to do?难道是因为表目的? 希腊神话中黄金时代白银时代英语怎么拼? 黄金时代的英文作文 茄子和西瓜 .哪个 更厉害要 搞笑德噢.