
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:58:35
直线l:y-3=k(x+4),无论k怎么取值,点什么总在直线l上?若直线l的倾斜角为四十五度, 人类还会继续进化吗继续进化是不是有可能就多长个尾巴,可能还多长个手手脚脚~ such car和such a car有什么区别? 求倾斜角为45度,且与点(2,-1)的距离为二分之根二的直线方程 1.连词成句go to let's school together(.) but to my disappointment no one dared to try such a tough, long journey.but to my disappointment 做什么成份,谢谢 you are worse than dog and pig 是不是缺冠词?我觉得好像是的…大家速回说这句话的人本身就文盲一个 希望大家向说这句话的人好好解释一下这里是不是零冠词的情况 Would you like to buy something with us?Would yoWould you like to buy something with us?Would you like to _____ ______with us?用适当的词补全句子使意思与原句相近 would you like to do something with me中文意思是关于爱情的翻译 孔子从降生到现在有多少年 Something you would like to buy in the future.做这个TOPIC口语 Say what it is and why you would like to buy it.How likely it is that you will be able to buy it.What you will have to do to buy this.不是翻译 是回答这些问题写一篇小短 塞翁失马,焉知非福用来比喻啥?意义~~~~~ 塞翁失马焉知非福——这条成语比喻什么? 塞翁失马,焉知非福成语比喻什么 用塞翁失马来比喻现实当中的什么人结合现实生活中的例子,谈谈你对这则故事的理解 今天8点之前 The country life he was used____greatly since 2004 A.change B.has change C.changing D.have changed The country life he was used to ( ) greatly since 1992.A.change B.has changed C.changingThe country life he was used to ( ) greatly since 1992.A.change B.has changed C.changing D.have changed the country life he was used to ----------greatly since 1992 1 change 2 has changed 3changing4 have changed 选哪个? 投笔封侯是对应哪个历史名将? his sister can (make a spinner)对括号部分提问 Linda helped her sister ______(make) a kite 史字再加一笔是什么? My sister enjoys __making clothers_.对划线部分提问 He says he students are very friendly,and (works) very hard.He loves them a lot (of)纠正带括号部分的错误(英语) 邦国而无自身,敬畏史笔,体恤民苦,壮怀激烈,视死如归这一类人有哪些 敬畏之情是什么意思 在《梅香正浓》一课中的.以下是课文节选:每当我们民族处于危亡之秋,总会出现两类人.一类人有邦国而无自身,敬畏史笔 ,体恤民苦,壮怀激烈,视死如归.另一类人则重私利而轻大义,寡廉鲜耻 在[梅香正农]一文中的 为什么在ISO9001标准中regulatory requirement要翻译成法规的要求?regulatory本身没有“法规”的意思啊! “Regulatory forbearance”怎么翻译最合适? 英语翻译这个应该如何翻译?其中submission指投稿的意思. 排名英文怎么写