
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 05:58:11
英语翻译毛毛虫是一种最常见的昆虫它蠕动着向前爬行他的身上有刚毛毛毛虫长大会变成漂亮的蝴蝶 活化球,抗菌活化陶瓷球,活化球水处理材料那里有卖?我是一家小型水处理厂,想知道活化球生产的哪家公司质量好.同行朋友采购的抗菌活化陶瓷球,水处理活化球哪家公司生产的处理效果好一 西班牙语中pronto,hasta,ahora mismo都是立刻马上的意思,他们有什么区别么 现在我都高一,就偏科英语,其它科成绩都很好,如果再这样下去,我看连本科都考不上了,求怎样学英语的.请哥哥姐姐教一下. 英语不好对以后考大学有什么坏处,我其他科都很好,只有英语不好?可是我现在是中学生? who i am a girl who are you? I want to drink tea .There is some milk in the tea .改为同义句I want to drink ( ) ( ) ( ) in ( ) 英译汉Rotary Park is a great place for an evening stroll and a view of one of Vancouver Island's moRotary Park is a great place for an evening stroll and a view of one of Vancouver Island's most interesting town signs.a view of one of Vancouver Is I am going to study hard this team.(分别对I,study hard,this team提问) life is climb,but zhe view is fascinating! I realize that i was wrong和 I realized that i was wrong哪一句是正确的,为什么 I had no intention of hurting your heart ,only then did i realize i was wrong. 昆虫复眼有什么用?苍蝇为什么能在玻璃上爬行?哪些昆虫嗅觉灵敏?蝴蝶翅膀有什么用? 这些用西班牙语怎们念?我的名字叫李家锐,今年16岁,我很喜欢笑,我的性格也比较开朗.我的目标是考上中山大学,以后可以出国.希望大家喜欢我,谢谢.再加上“你好” 英语四六级缺考会怎样 英语四六级可以缺考吗 does she have a present?肯否定回答 壁虎和苍蝇为什么能在墙壁、竖着的玻璃和天花板上停留和行走? 壁虎,苍蝇为什么能在竖着的墙壁,玻璃和天花板上停留行走? 问一问,小壁虎,苍蝇为什么能在墙壁,竖着的玻璃和天花板上停留和行走? I have been working here ____ years.A.of B.since C.for D.as应该选哪个呀?顺便叫一下我关于这句子的语法.谢谢! 泥鳅、蛇是怎样行走的?小壁虎、苍蝇为什么能在墙壁、竖着的玻璃和天花板上停留和行走?不要太长太罗嗦, 泥鳅,蛇是怎样“行走”的?小壁虎,苍蝇为什么能在墙壁,竖立着的玻璃和天花板上停留和行走? said to中间加什么词 用别的更好的词代替下面句子中的“said”1“All the children in my land must plant these seeds and show me their flower pots in three months.”said the king. 2"i've tried my best,but the seeds wouldn't grow."said Shin Wi sadly. 3"You wrote said say wrote said say 为什么在网上查都是同一个意思,;“说”它们有哪些含义? 为什么苍蝇能自由的在垂直的玻璃上行走? were的原形是什么?got的原形是什么?went的原形是什么?had的原形是什么?said的原形时是什么?did的原形是什么? older walls swam said went 的原形 我需要以下单词的原形;was said left forgot tired work up said gave shook understood got upbreakfast sat tired said动词原形 I didn't pay attention to what Linda said.中'said"应该是动词原形吧?