
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:52:16
not…but…用就近还是就远原则 but连接两个主语时谓语怎么决定?Nobody but Mr Wang and Mr Cheng ____in the office now. (be) my dream job写英语作文,当一名志愿者的. 翻译I can't agree more ___ changed my life 半命题英语作文初3水平 英语句子中,是否也可将形容词放在所修饰名词的后面?比如:你们有空房间吗?Do you have a room available?还是应该写成Do you have a available room? 是不是SCI有些期刊不接受在线投文章 区别电解质与非电解质 电解质与非电解质如何区别 agree + that ,这个句型怎么用, agree that 的用法 agree to 和 agree that怎么用? 状语从句 省略主语professor salovey suggests that when predicting someone's future success,their charater,as measured by EQ tests,might acturally matter more than IQ.其中predicting省略的逻辑主语是什么? If you are a serious private investor,leave the Las Vegas mentallity to those with money to fritter.这个句子的主句主语应该是you吧,在这儿为什么可以省略呢,这是什么用法呢? 我国的SCI检索期刊有多少种?最好能列出:) they have sports at school every day 改为否定句 国际sci期刊关于遗传的有哪些? They_(go)to school every day.怎样填? SCI收录的著名期刊都有哪些?其编辑部地址在哪儿?无论是哪个学科都行! they can play sports at school every day变否定句 How do they go to school every day?(坐公交车)怎么回答 请问怎么区分电解质和非电解质? 如何区分电解质和非电解质 He is taller than any other student / all other students in his class.第一个student为什么不收复数 he is taller than any other student in his class.同义句 He is taller than any other student in his class(改为同义词)He is()()of()()()his is ()()of()()()只要根据以上题目填空就可以了 Jane is__(tall)than any other girl in her class.He is taller than any other student in his class.He is __ __student in his class.还有,最高级的可以不可一用than,第一二为什么要那样填?详细的给我讲下,谢那为什么He is talle Uncle Li has a shower at 7:00 in the morning(改为一般疑问句)急 英语翻译向大家推荐一位在在中国很有人气的小帅哥!名字某某某~个性有点倔强 善良 真实 勇敢 孝顺 纯真 懂的感恩,笑起来能迷到一片人的阳光男孩!希望大家能多关注他!支持他!他是最闪耀 My mother often gets up early inthe morning否定句和一般疑问句是什么 I often do sports in the morning.(改为一般疑问句) ____you often ______sports in the morning? 初三生活随笔600字的