
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:23:46
有首英文儿歌开头是all the bird sing up in the treer now the spring is coming listen请知道标题的朋友说下,或给个完整歌词. 请问back.come back.be back在用法上有何区别?它们之间可以互换吗?例如:1.it's september,we are all back at school.2.when did you come back.3.what do you usually come back?4.he will be back in a month.请说明一下这些句子. 打问号的2道题填几呀 是不是题出错了 all_present and all_going on well,said teacher的解释 "All ___ present and all___ going on well",said the teacher.为什么第一个填are,第二个填is,这里的all都是什么意思? "All ___ presents and all ___ going on well,"our monitor said.A.is;is B.are;are C.are;is D.is;are请问为什么,最好翻译一下这句话 将适量Cl2通过洗气瓶甲后,再通过盛有干燥红布条的乙瓶,布条不褪色.若将Cl2直接通过乙瓶,布条褪色.则甲瓶中所盛的试剂可能是:①浓硫酸②氢氧化钠溶液③碳酸钠溶液④碘化钾溶液A.①② B. "all __present and all__going on well,"our mother saidall __present and all__going on well,"our mother A are are b are is 疑问《为啥第2个要用单数形式?》 主谓一致 "All ( ) present and all ( ) going on well," our monitor said is 为什么 有“be bored in”这个词组吗? bored的用法,及相关词组,get bored of 的意思 be famous的用法及词组我是初中生,简单易懂就好,用法,词组,例句, 如图所示,在A处通入氯气,关闭B阀时,C处的干燥红布条看不到明显现象;当打开B阀后,C处的红布条逐渐褪色.则D瓶中盛放的溶液可能是( ) A.浓硫酸 B.溶液 C.H2O The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling,but in rising every time we fall.求分析?这个句子是曼德拉说的,单词都认识不怎么懂,谁能分析下, The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling,but in rising every time we fall.为什么不是:The greatest glory in living don't lies in never falling,but in rising every time we fall. 我们公司年会要表演节目,大家都想跳舞,有8个女生,想跳fx她们那样的舞,像miss A这样的哪里教的好啊?我们都没基础的,我听说过top街舞,他们教不教这样的?有他们的联系电话和地址吗?非常急! 大家觉得miss A中的孟佳和FX中的宋茜谁的舞蹈暴发力更强?不是柔软度哦,而是暴发力!最好是很了解孟佳和茜妞的舞蹈的哦~有看过越跳越美丽节目的亲们、 如右图:A处通入氯气.关闭B阀时,C处湿润红色布条无变化,打开B阀时,C处湿润红色布条褪色.则D中装的不可能的是A)浓硫酸 B)NaOH溶液 C)H2O D)饱和食盐水为什么答案是A我觉得是B啊 帮我解释下我的英文名字?我们的外教给我们每人取了个英文名而我就叫 Mals .但是我觉得不好看.于是就 加了个 y 也就是 Malsy谁可以帮我解释下,意思,如果无法解释的话 表达下读音也OK. 求英文名解释想问问英文名 Dunkim可以否的本人中文名叫邓柯在想问问Dunkim的意思是什么! think my with favorite is running me dog’s连词成句 tomorrow is last day___the life___my holiday 这两个空填of还是for My greatest glory consist not in never falling,but in rising every time. they,visit,last weekend用一般过去式造句 英文名,别想他,怎么翻译? I think the girl can swim.(改为否定句) I____think the girl____ swim. I think a chicken can swim.(改为否定句) I ______ ______ a chicken ______ swim我们老师说think句否定在从句上,可这个却有两个空在前面 I think I can swim faster than the boy.(改为否定句) aloud怎么造句,越简单越好,要有中文翻译, 用For造句,并写出翻译 英语翻译能具体的解释下怎么翻译过来的,求大神给英文名! life back in the "old country"什么意思