
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:50:04
东栏梨花的翻译 在工厂里常用圆形低压吸盘搬运玻璃.图中E为一圆形吸盘,其直径为0.2米,ABCD为一正方形平板玻璃,边长为1米,重125.6牛.若吸盘能将该平板玻璃水平吸住并悬空,则吸盘内的气压至少应比外界大 为什么说浮力与物体体积有关与形状无关? 41.A:“ Are you still having trouble with your television ”B:“ No,I _____ it repaired last week.”42.A:“ Emma is _____ a good swimmer that she wins all her races.”B:“ Really Is she going to the Olympic Games ”43.A:“ I’m planning to 初级英语,51.A:“ Has your friend Sarah failed her driving test again ”B:“ Poor Sarah She can’t seem to pass,_____ hard she tries.”52.A:“ Could I borrow your car,please ”B:“ All right,as _____ as you promise to drive carefully.”53 初级英语,31.A:“ Would you _____ if I asked you a question ”B:“ Not at all — go ahead.”32.A:“ Is your brother home yet ”B:“ He _____ be!I heard him come in 20 minutes ago.”33.A:“ Have you got any pets?”B:“ Not now,but,as a 初级英语,求解,各位大师帮帮忙啊.A: “ What was wrong with Lucy yesterday ? ”B: “ Oh, she told me that she _____ had some bad news the previous day.” 初级英语,求大师帮忙解释一下为什么要写那个选项“ Mr Brown, why has your company been so slow to act ? ”“ _____ we known of the problem earlier, we would have acted sooner.” 英语翻译苏轼在湖州写的 明天要演讲急求! 浙教版八年级下科学B本作业本简答题答案. Thanks for sb.for the mod 英语,it is the basketball court in my school that where I play basketball 英语 看看这句话对不对 看看这句话对不对(英语)The world is so big that i can't find you,and the world is so small that i lose you. 电脑对我们日常生活有什么影响? 地理对日常生活有什么影响 斜劈A置于水平地面上,滑块B恰好沿其斜面匀速下滑.在对B施加一个竖直平面内的外力F后,A仍处于静止状态,B继续沿斜面下滑.则以下说法中正确的是A.若外力F竖直向下,则B仍匀速下滑,地面 帮我看看这句话对不对?同等质量的营养成分中,糖类产生的热量最多,这个对的还是错的? 宇航员站在某一星球表面上某处,沿水平抛出一小球,经时间t落到星球表面,抛出点与落地点距离l,若初速增大到2倍,则距离为√3,已知俩落地点在同一水平上,求星球的质量M(R与G已知) 看看这句话对不对我想表达的意思是我相信你是那个帮我穿上婚纱的人I'm believe that you will be the person who help me put on the wedding dress 特种兵做跳伞表演,从悬停在350m空中的直升飞机跳下,先自由下落一段高度后才打开降落伞,不计这个过程的空气阻力,降落伞打开后做加速度大小为2m/s(平方)的匀减速直线运动,到达地面速度 成功组建了XX集团公司,开业了XX超市……请看看“开业了”可以这样用吗,用着谓语行不行?我感觉开业一般只能作状语如果以上说法不对,那应该怎么说才对(保证前半句格式不变) 这句话帮俺看看对不对The musician is satisfied with the young man's music这个young man's music对不对啊··还是youngman's 还是young mans' 看看我这句话对不对的there are only 1 student using computer to study.it is good for our students to study on the internet.because we are students,studying is the most importent things.看下有没错,错了改下 把黄山、黄河在我胸中很重.(改为夸张句) 黄河水很大.改夸张句 怎样在几天内快速制造霉菌?最好是又简单,有快速还要提取出来 形容已经准备好了,就等带对方的话,准备出发的歇后语或者成语语言 测空气里氧气的含量实验中,若将红磷缓慢的伸入集气瓶内,对实验有什么影响 关于“换条路走向成功”的名言 守法小公民手抄报材料? 怎么做争做合法小公民的手抄报