
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:12:55
作文 我心中的阳光.写友谊,只要中间部分 what do party the can for you(?)(连词成句)怎么做 友情像阳光,还像什么 (两个)友情像( ),( )友情像( ),( )小括号填像什么 大括号填怎么样 Don't look back是什么意思? 我叫刘洋,想起个英文名字,呵呵, This time tomorrow you _there doing some more exercises.(a)will sit (b)will be sitting将来时和将来进行,我老师说没什么区别! 用两点之间,线段最短这个公理解释生活中的现象 endless love是什么 当把“两点之间,线段最短”应用于生活中时,应该注意什么? “Endless love”这句话是什么意思 some physics problems ___ the book are not difficult.A in B of 原因 He wait for you three hours ago.Who find it justHe wait for you three hours ago.Who find it just now?该怎么改 He is waiting for you three hours ago.改错,仅限一词. 戒指上的英文:ENDLESS LOVE We buy some presents for him同义句转换 Let----[our]buy some fiowers some of us think persistenting makes us strong,but sometimes it is letting go!”这句话的中文翻译是什么 I wish you love me as long as l love you! 1.There is ------- food in the fridge ,I should buy some this afternoon.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few2.I have only -------- friends here.they are all from China.A.a few B.few C.many D.little 请问“细化重点耗能设备经济运行制度”怎么翻译成英语? 一、计算:{1-[(3/16)-(-0.25)^2]*(-2)^4}/[3*(-0.375)+(-5)/(-2)^2] 二、解答题:陈老师给42名各买了一件纪念品,其中有:每支12元的钢笔,每把4元的圆规,每册16元的词典,共用了216元,求陈老师买了钢笔和词 英语翻译5.shipping date :one container in week 37 ,one container in week 39 英语翻译1失败是成功之母2不要害怕问问题3我的老板对我的报告很满意4他很善良,总是帮我修理自行车(IT做形式主语)5我不习惯晚睡6我们太晚了以至于赶不上火车7在这条河里游泳很危险 英语翻译Particular emphasis is placed on the links between theory and practice and upon the practical application of innovative information systems methods and techniques to business and organisational problems within an Asia-Pacific context.Grad 聪明的"聪",拼音是什么? 媒介是什么? what about having some water?怎么回答 怎样评价亚历山大大帝?深刻! 中英互译! 只做,中英互译 Last month he ( )/have a ( )/run with his friends. 生活中有哪些不遵守交通规则?所造成的后果是什么?请举例子说明?