
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:59:10
英语翻译It is the behaviour of the program that we call a computer simulation. Everything will be fine ,if you try it ,never gave up 非常焦急的近义词是非常和焦急的近义词. He thinks that ( )computer is ( )useful intention.a.a,an b.the;a c./,a d.the,an考题 焦灼不定的近义词 萧山有读英语的夜校吗 知道的 学费多少 it feels very warm today.(用hot将句子改为选择疑问句) 单句改错 1.Taking good care of,the old man feels very happy.2.Leading by the Party,we have won victory after another.3.he made an admittance of his guilt 人的性格到底是天生的,还是后天的.性格可以改变吗?怎么改? 和田的维吾尔人的性格特点是什么谢谢了, Did you helpthem clean their 麻烦帮忙算下六级分数吧!非常感谢!作文按74分;快速阅读错了两个选择;听力选择错了8个,听力最后一部分单词填空错了4个,三个句子各算一半;阅读理解sectionA错了3个,sectionB和sectionC各错了 麻烦高手帮我算一下六级的分数,我这是大学最后一次考六级了,希望大家帮我算算分,听力部分听写题 10道 对4道(句子一道都没写,对的4个全是单词的)阅读部分快速阅读 10道 对5道问答阅读 情况如下:作文可以还吧.快速阅读错2个选择题,填空的错一半.听力错7道和2个词,长句错一半.深读:第一篇错2道,后面两篇错3道.完形:错5个.翻译:一半. 来看看这说的对吗?Can't imagine one day without you,Can't imagine one day without you,我无法想象一天没有你 don't leave me 别离开我i just wanna love you,我只想爱着你Make it last forever.就这样到永远.能帮我看看有 英语翻译对吗,如果不对怎么翻译? 中译英 the best way to do sth. something are best left unsaid or unknown 这句话的意思? 求翻译:unwatchable in the best way这是一篇评论的标题,不知如何翻译,求高手指点.能译得有文采一点更好.谢谢.网页链接:http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/culture/2012/03/lena-dunham-girls-hbo.html只需要翻译 these days, that man's songs are not ____ as those in the 1990sa. as half popular b. popular as half c. half as popular d. as half as popular the,this,thing,with发音都要咬舌吗 be yourself and on your 翻译You need to perform on your own and be yourself.其中be yourself 英语里面的the 和there很难发音阿怎么办?咬舌头很难快速读出来阿 not on your 英语翻译 costing nothing的中文解释是什么?用电脑查出来的话就是特指:无花 【不能理解 nothing这个词的汉语意思 theory-nothing中文意思?是不是没有理论的意思?搞不懂怎么翻译~ Nothing翻译成汉语是什么意思 说英语像大舌头似得,那是什么地方的口音?不是习惯,这种口音好像说是世界上最性感的语言,要不就是最有魅力的语言,记不清了。 有点大舌头能考英语4级吗