
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:52:11
读《盗墓笔记》有感这篇作文怎么写?字数要在两百十个左右 用适当的关联词把下面两句话连在一起.作物能生长.土壤里含有水分和养分. 年轻人啊,谁又不能犯错?改为反问句 为什么现在的年轻人吵架犯错误都只会去指责对方而不是在自身找原因? 改为拟人句:年轻人啊,谁又能不犯错误?是不是改成:年轻人 ,谁都会犯错误.要不要把啊去掉?搞错了,是陈述句…… 年轻人啊,谁又不能犯错误?用的什么修辞手法 邹忌讽齐王纳谏与苏代讽谏赵惠王的目的各是什么? 生态因子的作用原理 这个问句请高手来分析.How many friends you have 还是应该说:How many friends do you have?要不要加do呢? 按要求把下面的问句分类.1、喂—还有人活着吗?还有人活着吗?2、请闭上眼睛想,一个老城,有山有水,全在天底下晒着阳光,暖和安适的睡着,只等春风来把它们唤醒,这是不是一个理想的境界?3、 帮忙分析一个英文问句谢谢How come I don't buy a word of it? 句意意思是我怎么就不信呢?帮我拆分一下句子,标明一下语法结构。谢谢!! 邹忌是怎样讽谏齐王的 这个问句怎么回事?What reason is my pudenda and glans have erythema?前面是is.后面怎么又是一般动词have了哦? 雷锋的事迹读后感 约500字 急 火星什么颜色的 为什么在天空中充满氧化铁会使它看起来使红色的?什么是氧化铁? 求问火星的天是什么颜色的? 根据答句,给出正确的问句.I usually visit my grandparents on Saturday.I went to the bank yesterday.The little girl can sing English song.There are four seasons in a year.No,there is some juice in the glass.Yes,I am all.The cinema is next to 根据答句,给出正确的问句.My telephone number is 87680825.Gao Wei is in Grade Five.There is a fish in the bowl.Tom’s mother is a nurse.Lingling ‘s new dress is pink.Miss Lily is reading a story-book.My school is near the river.There are 英语翻译is it popular with tourist?2,what are the attractions?3,what is the name of the most popular shopping street or mall?4,are there beaches in your city? 火星的颜色是红色?可能是褐色,橙色或黄色.因为到目前为止,人们对火星表面的真正颜色尚不清楚.在天文望远镜里看到的红色,应该是大气尘埃积聚后呈现出的颜色.可能是褐色,橙色或黄色。 一.将下面正确的问句与答语连起来()1.What are you doing?()2.Would you like some meat?()3.Do you want to visit the zoo?()4.Where do you want to go?()5.Can you tell me the way to the library?A.Yes,I do.B.I'm watching TV 几道语文题(初一新生入学前暑假作业上的).根据意思,写出下面成语1、好像亲自到了那个地方.()2、目光集中地看着一个地方.()3、奋勇向前,不顾个人安危.()动手做一做,然后写一写 愚公移山中结尾为什么要用神话来了结山被移走? 山西中移山的故事是不是愚公移山?山西中移山的故事,是不是那个王屋和太行山啊?那是不是愚公就是山西人?还是说山西中移山的故事,是因为愚公移动了山,所以才有了现在的山西的王屋山和 词按为感情色彩分,可分为 火星的颜色 面包和面是不是属于碱性食物 面包托是什么东西 几道英语题 是初一学生入学前暑假作业上的用is are was were 填空Yesterday____a holiday.The children____not in the classroom.Today ___not a holiday.The pupils ___in their classroom.Today_______Monday.So yesterday ____Sunday. 看图填空(图发不上来,就用语言描述一下)(初一学生入学前暑假作业英语的24页)1.一个男孩站在一把椅子的左边.The is ( )the chair.2.一本书里夹着一根笔.The pen is ( )the book.根据场景,选择要说的 选择填空1.( )English classes do you have in a week?Only two..A.Many B.How many C.How much2.May I use your penCertainly.()A.You are welcome B.Thank you C.Here you are3.()put your bikes here!Put them there!A.Can't B.Don't C.Not连词组