
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:51:02
小小诸葛亮,独坐军中帐,摆着八卦阵,专捉飞来将.谜底是什么?猜一种虫子 外来常住人口和常住人口的区别是什么啊 I have ( ) friengs,but ( )of them are good friends.A a few ;a few B a few;few ,C a little;few D a few ;little do (they or them )homework there be 后面加主语再加谓语,是什么形式呢?比如“有个人想吃饭”是不是 there is a man wants to eat? 英文名Jon怎么念?是类似于John的音呢还是类似于汉语“用”的发音,望资深前辈解答~~~我搞错了,应该是Jan怎么念?? 还有,Jan是男名还是女名? ? There is a man who wants to see you.这句为什么说who指代的是a man 但我把它改为简单句又好像不是指代a man 了 There is a man,The man wants to see you.怎么又好像是指代the man可 而不是指代a man了 教教我吧 这 选择A:farmer has some pigs and some ducks.there are 9heads and26feer.A:farmer has some pigs and some ducks.there are 9heads and26feer.How many pigs are there?A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 A farmer has some pigs and some ducks.There are 9 heads and 26 feet.how many pigs are there? grandpa,geese,farm,some,chickens,keeps,on,and,my,ducks,the连词组句 宝宝叫昊阳,取什么英文名字我家是个男宝宝,小名叫安安,全名叫李昊阳.希望大家帮忙取个好听又好记的英文名. 谁帮我取个英文名字 我叫张昊 The farmer has some ducks on his farm.(换种说法,句意不变) Hong planted some rice on the farm(改为一般疑问句) 数学…可重组合 1、n个相同小球放入r个盒子(可空)的放法数?2、不限个数的n种球中选出r个球的组合数?3、不定方程X1+X2+X3+…Xn=r的整数解的个数?求详解、求高手详细讲一下可重组合及其推 我姓sun 名xiaolan 要怎么取英文名呢 是女孩 想取女性的名字 甲、乙、丙3人站到共有7级的台阶上,若每级台阶最多站2人,同一级台阶上的人不区分站的位置,则不同的站法种数是?由题意知本题需要分组解决,∵对于7个台阶上每一个只站一人有A73种;若有 3本不同的书分给两个人共有几种不同的分法 _____ the windows,we can see some goldfish Is there anyone here ___ name is Lucy?A.who B.which C.whom D.whose There------------(be)no one here a moment ago.5.I-------(call)Mike this morning. but may be 、I can’t 、I’m sorry But Bobo can't read和 i'm sorry.but you can put an ad(广告)in the paper翻译 Li Yundi is (a famous pianist).对括号部分提问 _____Li Yundi_____? a tube of是什么意思啊? li Yundi is( a famous pianist) 对划线部分提问 如何翻译下列几句话: 1.I tortured the toothpaste tube to get that last stubborn trace of paste.2.If you must be lauded, then no one can deal with you straight.3.This is a novel of plot and structure and commitment.4.How much time would have ---____ is Li Yundi?---A famous Chinese pianist.A.Who B.How C.Whom a long tube of gunpowder the pianist who is playing the piano is ( ) Li Yundi A.calls B.to call C.calling D.calledmany girls in our class() the school singing competitionA,join B.joined C.took part in D.take part inwhen the doctor came.they found the men still ()A.live B.ali _______ some food and drink in the fridge.A:there are B:we have got C:they're 选哪个?谢 英语翻译