
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 23:09:30
泡臭干子的臭水怎么做 四个内角都相等的四边形是正四边形.是真命题吗 四边形的内角和与外角相等是真命题还是假命题? 英语翻译One of the easiest ways to keep fit is to do jogging:“Jogging is the name for a very gentle running-it is just a little faster than walking.”Start slow jog 20 meters,then walk 20 meters.Little by little,if you are not feeling very tir 英语翻译Like most July days,it was hot.I steped into a tiny ice-cream shop to cool off with a chocolate Ice-cream.It was a very old store with little round tables and chairs.As I entered,I found a very old woman bent over a table near the door.He 英语翻译Penguins are lovely animals.Most people like them.But now as many as 10 of the 17 kinds of penguins are in danger of disappearing.The number of penguins has decreased by (减少了) 30% since 1987.Penguins are black and white birds that l 帮我翻译一篇阅读 谢谢!Mark was a farmer he lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill, and everybody thought he would die. They sent for a doctor in town who arrived two days later and examined(检查)the sickman. The doctor as 作者写方仲永的目的是什么 一篇简单的英语短文阅读The Winter Olympics are also called the White Olympics.At this time,many colourful stamps are publihed( ) to mark ( ) the great Games.The first tamps marking came out on January 25,1932 in the United States for the 3r 《人皮客栈》一共有几多出? 有没有关于诗歌的小故事?比较少见的,七步诗之类的都不要! 怎么让读书看起来有趣 0,3x^2,8x^3,15x^4……按此规律,写出第13个单项式帮下啊哈 圆弧长度等于其内接正三角形边长,则其圆心角的弧度数为?一楼写的看不懂啊! 直角梯形ABCD中AD//BC,∠B=90°,AD=6,AB=14,BC=8,若以CD为底边作等腰三角形CDE,则AE= (双解)打错了,是等腰直角三角形CDE 正方形ABCD中,等边三角形CDE,AC,BD交于O,AE,BD交于F,若等边三角形ADE边长为3倍根号下2,求OF的长 观察下列单项式:0,3x的平方,-8x的平方,15x的平方,-24x的平方…,按此规律写出第10个是?第N个是?为什么是(-1)^? 动物世界里捉森蚺的动物学家四五个人就能捉到森蚺?为什么森蚺不咬他们?他们也没工具.不可思议,蛇为什么不攻击他们? ____ students often ___races on the playground(have) 六下的同步的256~ ____ too often will have a negative influence on the language learning of students. A. Correct students B. Being corrected C. To correct D. Corrected这句话中文是什么? 足球五角形的内角是多少度我要画出来每条边、每个角要相等 谁知道关于汉字的故事啊 谁有关于汉字的故事? 黄河为什么被称为母亲河50字 He is thinking about____a kite with his brother.(fly)横线上填什么(用fly的适当形式) When does his brother go kite flying?He usually----------------------- 汉字的故事为什么要创造汉字 我和汉字的故事要片段,但不要开头与结尾 有关黄河的小故事,50字左右的 黄河的现状(100字以内) 黄河的现在状况是什么内容要详细字体少点 修一条公路甲乙以两队合修6天可以完成,现由甲队修5天,再由已修3天.还剩下这条公的3/10没修已知甲队每天比