
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 15:10:26
-Would you like this green skirt?-Well.I'll think__it. 英语翻译周六妈妈想要我打扫房间My mother wants me ___ ___ ___ ___ on Saturday.那只鸟儿多么漂亮啊!___ ___ that bind is他去年在那家旅店住了一个星期.He ___ ___ the hotel for a week last year. 打扰翻译英文 《送东阳马生序》中,“假借”的“假”是读第三声还是第四声 sleep作名词可数么 Mary spent two hours ______ the math problem.[ 1分]A.tried to solveB.to try solvingC.for trying to solveD.trying to solve ( )21.I like English,but my sister_____ photos.A.like taking B.likes taking C.likes take( )24.The girl often _____from Monday to Friday.A.go to school B.goes to school C.going to school( )31.My aunt cooking and growing trees.A.like B.likes C.is( )32. 请查一下谁弄坏了窗户 Please ____ ____ ____ ____ the window. 雅典民主制存在什么局限性 蛋蛋的忧伤,蛋蛋 同 淡淡.. CMH-T陶瓷金卤灯怎么区分正负极啊 If you give me ()hours,I'll finish this task.A.more three B.another three C.three another D.three other what I require of you is( ) .you should finish the task in two hours.A.that B.it C.this D.that 变成同义句:Most of us prefer eating sweets and变成同义句:Most of us prefer eating sweets and ice cream to eating meat and rice 金卤灯为什么启动会那么慢呢?金卤灯启动怎么会如此的慢呢?我们展厅的一展金卤灯开电都一个多小时了才启动着了,这是什么现象? empty what is full,fill what is empty! 永远不让自己空虚,永远不让自己自满 给点点评 金卤灯为啥再启动很慢为啥像金卤灯,高压钠灯熄灭后再启动需要一定时间呢,金卤灯发光颜色跟里边添加的卤化物有关系吗,金卤灯一般黄光,有白色暖白其他的吗一般有横插式的,螺口的,灯管 When you fill me up ,I still look empty .What am 我解决了这个问题.是I finish this problem.还是 I finished this problem,还是别的 It'empty in the daytime but full at night.What is it? GM-5kV可调高压数字兆欧表怎么翻译? Look,Tom ____(colour) the picture.填空2,Tom ____(come )to Shanghai yesterday.3,Miss Fang has got ___-(many) bottles of juice.填空4,Her sister usually _____(fly) the kite in the garden.5,she goes ____(fish )with my father on Saturdays.6,Peter look ______ tom's mother lets him look after the babya.at timesb.some timeC at the same time d all the time. 谁能帮我查一下这些英语单词是什么意思:the rescuework( )the rad corss society of China( )不要开玩笑! 75w 金卤灯和卤素灯大概多少流明 卤素灯是全光谱的吗?说的是卤素灯杯或卤素灯泡,而不是金卤灯. 德文(应该是):nur ohne dich wird unsere Liebe wahrn 求翻译 英语单词find什么意思 英语翻译餐饮服务与管理前厅客房服务与管理现代饭店管理财务管理服务礼仪 兆欧表测量绝缘,相端子和接地端子接错的后果 德语 um eine reine Welt fuer dich hinterzulassen! 英语翻译根据所给提示翻译句子请别让这个小女孩哭了(make sb do sth; stop doing sth)翻译时要用括号里面的英语哦