
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:19:38
my mother was ill yesterday,unluckily,she got____(ill)today She was ill yesterday; I****she is better today. She was ill last week.But she is __ go to school today.A、well enough B、enough well C、enough good D、good enough.选什么,本题考点是什么. 我是环保好娃娃作文 天安门广场升国旗我这辈子最大的愿望就是去北京天安门广场看升国旗,每次一想到升国旗我都很兴奋,可我还没去过北京看过升国旗,因RMB问题本人没能力去北京,我也就是个穷人!有谁去过北 有没有关于《我是环保好娃娃》的作文啊?参考参考~有没有关于《我是环保好娃娃》的作文啊?我们需要!就参考参考~400字—600字就够了. 如果你站在天安门广场上观看升旗仪式,你会想到些什么? 如果你站在天安门广场上观看升国旗仪式,你会想到些什么? (人教版)四年级下册语文第四单元试卷 5 月12日前提供 She is ill today.She still goes to school.(使用but合并成一个句子) 把we can finish the work alone 转为同义句还有perhaps she is at school today转为同义句 这就是我 作文男的600字 以“面对”为题目的作文 我的缺点作文600字什么缺点都行 以道字开头的成语接龙(小学三年级的暑假作业第二十页)急 太少了要14个 .最后的成语是后来居上.婀娜妩媚668你是三年级的吗?不过我要的是十四个呀! 一往无前 {11个后}左右逢源{9个后}神清气爽 朝鲜在很久以前和中国是一个国家吗?如果是那么朝鲜以前叫什么? 朝鲜是不是中国的? 朝鲜侵略过美国吗?朝鲜侵略过中国吗?凭什么说朝鲜是暴政? she is ill_(对画线部分提问)we should not walk on the grass.(改为同义句) She__is ill 帮忙看看这个为什么空格里应该填 badly 为什么填副词? She is ______(serious)ill She is____(bad)ill 有个题目是《我也追星》,以胡歌为主角写一篇作文,要求不少于600字.最好是胡椒来写,要求内容充实. she,s ill画线提问 英语翻译1.achieve an expert rank without ever having more than one customer in line at the cash register2.finish any stage with all customers cashing out with exactly three hearts!3.achieve a chain of 9 tasks in Sally's queue.(this will take all 求一篇关于写名人的作文,600字,主人公自拟 翻译个英文句子,英译中Casting director Pippa Hall was responsible for casting William as an extra when she was filling roles for Cider with Rosie主要是想知道was responsible for casting William as an extra 是什么意思 she was ill yesterday ;l ___she is better 猜字谜 1.I’m sorry to ()that.2.She's ill today.I()she will be better tomorrow.1.I’m sorry to ()that.2.She's ill today.I()she will be better tomorrow.3.I keep a ()to help me remember things every day.4.I ()my work very c 计算下列数列的极限1、2、5题