
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 09:20:30
"it's an intellect to which one still listens"中的"to"可不可以改成"for"应该不是翻译成对于的意思吧,不过我觉得"to"也可以,不过for不是更合适吗? 四大名著读后感 这句话中的which代指的是哪一部分啊?An attempt will be made to explore some of the current ESS tools and technologies,which might affect user performance. 这句话中which指代哪个?原文:As we have seen,work has to be compared with other values like family life,which often get lost in its interest.58.In the last paragraph,the underlined word “which” refers to _______.A.family life B.situations 句中的which指代什么?Talking about Zidane,where to start?Firstly there was the Euro 2000 victory with France,which earned him his second FIFA World Player of Year.关于齐达内从哪开始说呢?首先是和法国队赢得2000年欧洲杯,这 句中which代指什么? 此句中which指代什么All paints consist of two parts.One is a powder of solid particles that is the source of the color and the opaqueness and is known as the pigment.The other,called the binder,is the liquid into which the pigment is blended. 亚洲有哪些大事记受启蒙运动影响 写一篇初中英语读后感100字左右 求分析这句话中的for which 成分 功能 等 We propose that one way to mitigate the monitoring effectof transparent packaging is to consider small foods (e.g.,Froot Loops,Cheerios) for which consumers’ motivationsto engage in consumption mo 以《别践踏我的尊严》为题目写一篇作文 函数不单调,那么这个函数有什么性质(特点) 如果太阳没出来,则或者下雨或者阴天而且温度下降 命题符号化p=太阳没出来,q=下雨或者阴天有人写出是非p蕴涵q,应该怎样表达,非p不就成太阳出来了,要么下雨,要么温度下降啊!我觉得应该是p 小学四年级400米极限是多少秒我穿普通鞋最快1分27秒 百米极限使多少? 英语阅读中的一句,It may be that the timing will need to be revised in due course.这是个什么句子,it是不是形式主语? 今天下大雨了后面应该是什么符号 我国主要的河流有哪些 雨点加上一点符号 或者火星文顺便在来个可爱点的个性签名 忽忽~· 求杰克·伦敦的小说《野性的呼唤》《白牙》,百度文库真讨厌,怎么现在就不让看了呢.当然,他如果有别的写动物的文章我也要.1292113968 为什么我经常看到这个符号的? 铁器牛耕推动新兴地主产生继而推动变法,社会大变革表现在封建制取代奴隶制,社会大变革促使了百家争鸣产上面说的对吗 如果有多个答案 就取最重要的那个 不会的的别装会啊 copy的算了 六年级压力大吗如题 词汇运用和完成句子, 用适当的词完成句子.1.If you don"s wear enough clothes,you will easily have a ( ).2.( )and( )activities can help us keep healthy.3.You will have a ( ) if you eat too many sweets.4.Jane always forgets to have breakfast so she always has 描写小学一年级描写刚刚上学的散文诗要这样类型的——阳光明媚(景色).老师(一年级刚上学在干什么).同学(对校园充满好奇). 人和动物的根本区别是什么呢? 树人堂前起步前的感受 《白牙》的主要内容&读后感快,8:30p.m.之前这是本文学书! 小灰狼白牙,第一章读后感. 读后感急500字左右哦 8月27日晚要 《文心雕龙》所说“尽锐于《三都》,拔萃于《 咏史》,指的是谁